AcM11 produces a derivative of Acta 2930-B1 Comparisons between the
chromatogram and the averaged masses of the ions from Acta 2930-B1 pure substance and from peak IV of Streptomyces AcM11 extract, prepared as described in Methods. (a) The chromatogram of Acta 2930-B1 pure substance (blue) and the Streptomyces AcM11 extract (red). Average masses of Acta 2930-B1 pure substance and the Streptomyces AcM11 extract are in ESI-MS positive (b, d) and negative (c, e) modes. Note that the dominant masses in peak IV deviate one m/z unit from the respective values of the Acta 2930-B1 pure substance. (PDF 20 KB) Additional file 4: Heterobasidion abietinum is more sensitive to the cycloheximide producer, Streptomyces AcM11, and to cycloheximide than H. annosum. Antifungal influence of AcM11 and cycloheximide was tested in a Petri dish bioassay test against H. abietinum 331 and H. annosum 005. (a, d) Influence of AcM11 on the growth of the
fungus. AcM11 AZD5363 ic50 was applied on agar medium and the fungus was inoculated. The front of the fungal colony was circled by pencil. (b, e) Influence of cycloheximide on fungal growth. Methanol or in methanol dissolved cycloheximide was applied by filter paper on the top of the agar medium. Note that H. abietinum growth under the influence of 4 nmol cycloheximide is comparable to H. annosum growth with 50 nmol cycloheximide. The front of the fungal colony was circled by pencil. (c, f) Influence of cycloheximide on fungal growth on fungal growth. Extension of fungal mycelium was measured after one week of growth on cycloheximide containing medium (n = 9). Cycloheximide concentration range in the bioassay is based on the observed
production level in the AcM11 suspension culture, which was 10.2 nmol x ml-1. Note the lower levels of Sclareol cycloheximide applications to H. abietinum than to H. annosum. (DOC 3 MB) References 1. Berg G, Smalla K: Plant species and soil type cooperatively shape the structure and function of microbial communities in the rhizosphere. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2009, 68:1–13.PubMedCrossRef 2. De Boer W, Folman LB, Summerbell RC, Boddy L: Living in a fungal world: impact of fungi on soil bacterial niche development. FEMS Microb Rev 2005, 29:795–811.CrossRef 3. Frey-Klett P, Burlinson P, Deveau A, Barret M, Tarkka M, Sarniguet A: Bacterial-fungal interactions: hyphens between agricultural, clinical, environmental, and food microbiologists. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2011, 75:583–609.PubMedCrossRef 4. Kinkel LL, Bakker MG, Schlatter DC: A coevolutionary framework for managing disease-suppressive soils. Annu Rev Phytopathol 2011, 49:47–67.PubMedCrossRef 5. Frey-Klett P, Garbaye J, Tarkka M: The mycorrhiza helper bacteria revisited. New Phytol 2007, 176:22–36.PubMedCrossRef 6. Doumbou CL, Hamby-Salove MK, Crawford DL, Beaulieu C: Actinomycetes, promising tools to control plant diseases and to promote plant growth. Phytoprotection 2001, 82:85–102.CrossRef 7.