The effective thermal conductivity of the nanofluid in porous media has been taken into account. Here, three different nanoparticles, viz. Al2O3, CuO, and TiO2 with a valid range of particle
concentration and particle size, have been taken with two base fluids, viz. water and EG. The natural convection of water in porous media had been initially studied, and we found a good agreement with the result available in the literature. The main findings of the study are as follows: Percentage P5091 mw increase in the average Nusselt SCH727965 number at steady state for EG-based nanofluids is much more than that in the water-based nanofluids, and the percentage increase in average skin friction coefficient at steady state is almost the same in both cases. The value of the average Nusselt number at steady state for water-based nanofluids is more than that of the EG-based nanofluids, but the value of the average skin friction coefficient at steady state for water-based nanofluids is much lesser than that of the EG-based nanofluids. For the nanofluids with the same Pictilisib research buy base fluid and different nanoparticles, there is a very small difference in the average Nusselt number
and average skin friction coefficients. Among these values, the average Nusselt number and average skin friction coefficient for fluid containing TiO2 are a bit higher than those of the other two nanofluids. From the three results, it is concluded that the heat transfer in nanofluids highly depends upon the nature of the base fluid rather than the nature of the added nanoparticles. The average Nusselt number increases with the increase in nanoparticle concentration up to an optimal particle concentration and after it decreases. With the
increase in plate temperature the optimal nanoparticle concentration level increases. The average value of skin friction coefficient always increases with the increase in nanoparticle concentration. For a particular value of concentration, the smallest nanoparticles enhance the heat transfer the most; skin friction coefficient Hydroxychloroquine also increases with the decrease in nanoparticle size. For high values of porosity of the medium, the Nusselt number and skin friction coefficients are larger than their values in the low porosity medium. In our future study, we will consider the effects of fouling and boiling in nanofluids and its effect on heat transfer. We will also perform some experiments for the natural convection of nanofluids in the same configuration and we will compare the numerical results with experiments. Nomenclature C P : specific heat (−1.K−1); d: diameter (m); Da: Darcy number Ec: Eckert number F: Forchheimer’s constant Fr: Forchheimer’s coefficient g: gravitational acceleration (9.81 m.s−2) K: permeability (m2); k: thermal conductivity (W.m−1.K−1) k b : Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806503 × 10−23−2.K−1) L: length of the plate (m) M: molecular weight of fluid (kg.