sericeum (100 % MLBS) whereas our Supermatrix analysis places D. minus as sister to D. glabratum s.l. AFTOL with strong support (80 % MLBS). The combined ITS-LSU-RPB2 analysis of Dal-Forno et al. (2013) shows Cora as sister to a clade formed by Acantholichen and Corella. Species included Type Cora pavonia (Sw.) Fr., C. byssoidea, C. glabrata (Spreng.) Fr., D. hirsutum Moncada & Lücking and D. minus
Bcr-Abl inhibitor Lücking, E. Navarro & Sipman, as well as a large number of undescribed species are included (Dal-Forno et al. 2013). Comments The generic name Cora was resurrected by Lawrey et al. (2009) and Yánez et al. (2012) based on correlations between phylogeny and thallus morphotypes in the Dictyonema s.l. clade. Cora is a monophyletic clade characterized by macrosquamulose to foliose thalli with a loose, palisadic upper cortex. Dictyonema C. Agardh ex Kunth, Syn. pl. (Paris) 1: 1 (1822). Type species: Dictyonema excentricum C. Agardh, in Kunth, Syn. pl. (Paris) 1: 1 (1822) = Dictyonema thelephora (Spreng.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 7: 748 (1931) [current name], = Dictyonema sericeum (Sw.) Berk., London J. Bot. 2: 639 (1843), ≡ Dictyonema sericeum f. thelephora
(Spreng.) Parmasto, Nova Hedwigia 29: 111 (1978) [1977]. Basidiomata stereoid-corticioid or lentoid-cyphelloid; hymenium smooth; clamp connections absent; lichenized with cyanobacteria, thallus present, undifferentiated, jigsaw shaped hyphal sheath cells present. Phylogenetic support Dictyonema, represented by D. sericeum, is strongly supported RG7204 research buy as a sister to Cora see more (as D. glabratum and D. minus) in our 4-gene backbone, ITS-LSU and LSU analyses (100 % MLBS). In our Supermatrix and ITS analyses, Dictyonema appears basal to the Cora clade (100 % MLBS). The Dictyonema–Cora clade appears on a long branch emerging from the Arrhenia grade in our 4-gene backbone analyses and our ITS-LSU analysis. The analyses by Dal-Forno et al. (2013) shows the most closely related groups that are basal to Dictyonema are Eonema and Cyphellostereum
rather than the more distantly related Arrhenia included in our analyses. In the analysis by Lawrey et al., Acantholichen separates the Cora (D. sericeum—D. minus) and Dictyonema ss. (D. aeruginosulum, D. phyllophilium and D. schenkianum) clades, but without support for the branching order. Species included Type Dictyonema excentricum [=D. sericeum (Sw.) Berk.). Additional species included based on molecular phylogenies of Lücking et al. (2009) and Dal-Forno et al. (2013) are D. hernandezii Lücking, Lawrey & Dal-Forno, D. irpicinum Mont., D. minus Lücking, D. sericeum f. phyllophilum Parmasto, D. schenkianum (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr, and two new Dictyonema spp. aff. D. sericeum. Comments While Dictyonema appears as a grade in most analyses, the combination of morphological and ecological characters set it apart, and topological tests cannot reject its potential monophyly. Resurrection of generic names Cora by Lawrey et al. (2009) and Corella by Dal-Forno et al.