This work was supported by grants from CNPq, PRONEX II, FAPERGS,

This work was supported by grants from CNPq, PRONEX II, FAPERGS, PROPESQ/UFRGS and FINEP research grant Rede Instituto Brasileiro de Neurociência (IBN-Net) # 01.06.0842-00. “
“The Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) strain is a genetic model of sound-induced reflex epilepsy that, in the acute situation, mimics tonic–clonic seizures (audiogenic seizures; AS) and, in the

chronic protocol, mimics temporal lobe epilepsy (Garcia-Cairasco et al., 1996 and Dutra Moraes et al., 2000; for review see Garcia-Cairasco, 2009). There is a strong relationship between Caspase cleavage hormones and epilepsy; epileptic seizure can promote hormonal and metabolic alterations after seizures (Trimble, 1978, Meldrum et al., 1979, Wyllie et al., 1984 and Pritchard et al., 1985). Some hypothalamic hormones are known to facilitate (corticotrophin releasing factor—CRF) or to inhibit (thyrotropin releasing hormone—TRH and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone—LHRH) epileptic seizures (Plotnikoff and Kastin, 1977, Bajorek et al., 1984 and Delgado-Escueta

et al., 1986). Some pathophysiological aspects of seizure susceptibility are directly related to the hypothalamus–pituitary system (Amado et al., 1993), which is regulated by limbic structures, such as the hippocampus and amygdala, which play an important role in the genesis of epilepsy (Sperling and Wilson, 1986). During convulsive seizures, HPA axis activation occurs along with an increase in plasma glucocorticoid concentration. Significant increases in plasma concentrations of cortisol, GH check details and PRL were observed after spontaneous generalized seizures (Culebras et al., 1987). We also observed higher post-ictal PRL levels, in comparison to those observed in other stress paradigms in WAR (Garcia-Cairasco et al., 1996). In addition, we found that lactation-induced hyperprolactinemia is also a strong modulator of seizure sensitivity in WARs (Doretto et al., 2003b). The HPA axis is characterized by the presence of a circadian rhythm in basal and stress conditions, and the HPA axis response to stress has been shown

to be higher during the nadir than during the daily rhythm peak (Kant et al., 1986, Bradbury et al., 1991 and Dallman et al., 1992). Moreover, stress is a very common, Clomifene self-reported precipitant of seizures in patients with epilepsy (Frucht et al., 2000, Spector et al., 2000 and Nakken et al., 2005). There is evidence showing the relationship among epilepsy, hormones, stress and circadian rhythms. In this sense, the aim of this study was to evaluate the HPA axis in response to different stimulations in the WAR strain, a genetic model of epilepsy. At birth, there was no difference in the body weight between WAR and Wistar groups. However, after the first week until the ninth week, the body weight was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the WAR group compared with the Wistar group (Fig. 1A). Additionally, the adrenal gland weight of the WAR group (13.

4) Additionally, a significant increase in the LTB4 production w

4). Additionally, a significant increase in the LTB4 production was observed after Palbociclib research buy 24 and 48 h of

Ts2 injection, followed by a decrease at 96 h, relative to control (Fig. 4A). Ts6 induced an increase in LTB4 release throughout the experimental time course (Fig. 4B). Moreover, PGE2 was increased in Ts2 or Ts6-dependent manner at all time points, compared to control (Fig. 4). The rate of prostaglandin-leukotriene was maintained throughout the course of the study. To understand the role that PGs and LTs play in cell recruitment to the peritoneal cavity following Ts2 or Ts6, we treated mice concomitantly with MK-886 (FLAP inhibitor) or celecoxib (COX-2 inhibitor). Treatment of 129sv (WT) animals with MK-886 or celecoxib (5 mg/kg/day) effectively reduced the number of leukocytes at 4 and 96 h compared to the Ts2 injection, but only after 4 h compared to the Ts6 injection (Fig. 5A); neutrophils were reduced at 4 and 96 h compared to the Ts2 or Ts6 injection (Fig. 5B); mononuclear cells were reduced at 4 and 96 h compared to Ts2, but only after 4 h compared to Ts6 (Fig. 5C). The same pattern of leukocyte recruitment inhibition was observed by treating the animals with MK-886 or celecoxib. However, MK-886 was

more efficient than celecoxib in inhibiting inflammatory cell recruitment in the presence of Ts6 (Fig. 5). We also compared the WT mice (129sv) with the 5-LO−/− mice following the Ts2 or Ts6 injection.

Compared Adenosine to the WT mice that only received Ts2, we observed inhibition of the total leukocytes, neutrophils and mononuclear cells in 5-LO−/− mice at 4 and 96 h after Ts2 injection (Fig. 5). Ts6 inhibited leukocytes and mononuclear cells after 4 h, while neutrophils were inhibited after 4 and 96 h compared to the WT mice that received Ts6. The results demonstrated that the WT mice treated with MK-886 displayed the same behavior as the 5-LO−/− mice, suggesting that the Ts2 or Ts6-driven induction of leukocyte recruitment, observed primarily in neutrophils, is partially dependent on LTs. The peritoneal cell populations, obtained after Ts2 or Ts6 injection and MK-886 or celecoxib treatment, were characterized by flow cytometry. We performed analyses using anti-GR1, F4/80, CD3, CD4 and CD8 immunoglobulins. The number of cells expressing GR1, a typical neutrophil marker, changed significantly between the PBS, Ts2 or Ts6 only, and MK-886 or celecoxib treated groups. We observed an increase in GR1+ cells in the Ts2 or Ts6 only groups at 4 and 96 h. In the MK-886 or celecoxib treated groups, GR1+ cells decreased to the levels similar to the PBS group at 4 h. At 96 h, the same profile was observed (Fig. 6A). The number of F4/80 positive cells increased in the Ts2 or Ts6 group compared to PBS at 4 and 96 h, and decreased to Ts2+celecoxib and Ts2+MK-886 at 4 h compared to Ts2 and to Ts6+MK-886 group at 96 h compared to Ts6 (Fig.

Certain imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging, tr

Certain imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial ultrasound, and single-photon emission computed tomography can be useful in making diagnostic decisions in some cases of PD. Devaki Shilpa Surasi, Patrick J. Peller, Zsolt Szabo, Gustavo Mercier, and Rathan M. Subramaniam The clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease (PD) is difficult, as several other neurodegenerative and basal ganglia disorders have similar clinical presentations. Dopamine transporter single-photon emission computed tomography has been proposed as possible diagnostic tool to help

differentiate idiopathic PD from essential tremor and other disorders that present with parkinsonian symptoms. In addition, it is valuable in the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies, differentiating Selleckchem Dolutegravir it from other causes of dementia such as Alzheimer disease. Shichun Peng, Doris J. Doudet, Vijay Dhawan, and Yilong Ma This article discusses the current use of PET imaging in the evaluation of dopamine function in Parkinson disease (PD). The article reviews the major radioligands targeting dopaminergic systems in patients with parkinsonian disorders. The primary objective is to show the novel

clinical applications of molecular imaging in the diagnosis and assessment of motor and nonmotor symptoms in PD.

Index  487 “
“Li Q, Zhou XD, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. INCB024360 Nicotine suppresses inflammatory factors in HBE16 airway epithelial cells after exposure to cigarette smoke extract and lipopolysaccharide. Transl Res 2010;156:326-34. In our December 2010 publication in Translational Research, we incorrectly stated that cigarette STAT inhibitor smoke extract (CSE) was “supplied by Professor C-H Cho (Department of Pharmacology, University of Hong Kong).” Although Dr Cho prepared the CSE samples, he did not directly provide us with them. Instead, they were obtained by Dr Zhou who had access to the samples while a research fellow at Hong Kong University from 2005 to 2006. “
“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex systemic disease, that until recently, was underrecognized, underappreciated, and poorly understood. Bonet first described COPD as early as 1679 when he discussed “voluminous lungs,” and yet it wasn’t until the 1960s that physicians began to create formalized definitions of the clinical syndrome they were encountering.1 These initial definitions focused on either clinical characteristics (such as cough and dyspnea) or anatomic features (such as enlargement of alveolar spaces) and, in some sense, neglected expanded features that could be useful in identifying and understanding the disease.

The extent of the biological effects of spider venoms on their vi

The extent of the biological effects of spider venoms on their victims depends on factors relating to the victims (species, age, bite location,

and genetic variations; see extensive literature in Pauli et al., 2006) and the characteristics of spiders that exhibit inter- and/or intra-specific variation. The interspecific variation of systemic and dermonecrotic effects of Loxosceles bites has click here been broadly analysed by several groups ( Barbaro et al., 2005, De Oliveira et al., 2005, Gomez et al., 2001, Olvera et al., 2006, Silvestre et al., 2005 and Toro et al., 2006). Intraspecific variation of venom toxicity is mainly due to differences in the sex and age of the spider ( De Oliveira et al., 1999 and Gonçalves de Andrade et al., 1999) and is rather neglected in the literature,

although it has been demonstrated in other venomous animals, such as snakes ( Daltry et al., 1996, Furtado et al., 2006 and Pahari et al., 2007) and scorpions ( Badhe et al., 2006). Sex-linked differences in the toxins quantity, concentration of toxic elements, cross-reactivity, and biological effects have been reported for L. intermedia ( De Oliveira et al., 1999 and Gonçalves de Andrade et al., 1999) and L. laeta ( De Oliveira et al., 2005), but not for the medically important Loxosceles in South Africa, namely L. spinulosa and L. parrami ( Newlands et al., 1982). In our study, sex-linked variation of L. similis venom potency was evident for dermonecrotic and neutralization effect on rabbits. Our neutralization assay demonstrated that female spider venoms of L. similis induced larger lesions, but also protected animals to a greater degree as immunization enhancers when compared to male venoms of the same species. In addition, female spider venom also provided greater protection against L. intermedia envenomation (data not shown). These results are in concordance with those by De Oliveira et al. (2005) showing the

intraspecific variation of biological effects of L. intermedia and L. laeta. De Oliveira et al. (1999) also showed that in Cyclooxygenase (COX) female individuals of L. intermedia, there was a higher concentration of the F35 toxin, which is one of the key elements that enhance the toxicity of this venom. This correlated with the larger size and higher quantities of venom produced by female spiders of this species. Although the venom quantity produced by female spiders in our study was also slightly higher than that produced by male spiders (12.49 and 13.93 mg/ml of venom in male and female spiders, respectively), we hypothesize that the difference between male and female venom potency is mainly qualitative and relies on differences in the presence of the most lethal toxins and other important elements for the dermonecrotic effects.

Although hundreds of genes/QTL have been detected, progress in ut

Although hundreds of genes/QTL have been detected, progress in utilization MAS has been slow. The main Tenofovir nmr reason for this was that markers detected in one population are often not applicable to other populations. In the present study, we combined gene/QTL detection and MAS using a RIL population. The advantages of this approach are as follows: (1) all the markers detected are efficient for MAS, and do not need to be validated

again; (2) Gene/QTL detection and MAS are carried out simultaneously, shortening the time of MAS; (3) the genotypes of all selected new varieties/elite lines are known, a feature that will be helpful in further genetic improvement. For example, of the five QTL for FHB resistance, there are four favorable alleles for FHB resistance in RIL-169, and only favorable allele QFHB.caas-2D was absent. To further improve its FHB resistance, RIL-169 and RIL-151 can be crossed in order to add QFHB.caas-2D in a genetic background that is largely shared with RIL-169 ( Table 5). New varieties with better

FHB resistance and agronomic traits than RIL-169 will be easily bred. To carry out QTL detection and MAS simultaneously, the precondition is to construct a segregating population with both target traits and a better background Protease Inhibitor Library of traits of agronomic importance. In the present study, six elite lines were selected from a cross of well adapted varieties. In conclusion, the results from this study suggest that QTL detection and MAS can be integrated using appropriate populations. This approach will significantly accelerate MAS in the future. This study was supported by the National R&D Project of Transgenic Crops of the Ministry

of Science and Technology of China and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Y-27632 2HCl Institutions. We thank Dr. Chunji Liu, CSIRO Plant Industry, Queensland, Australia, Dr. Yunbi Xu, Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, for English improvement. “
“Tillering in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important agronomic trait for panicle number per unit land area as well as grain production [1]. The panicle-bearing tiller rate influences the grain yield of rice [2] and excessive tillering leads to high tiller abortion, poor grain setting, small panicle size, and further reduction in grain yield [3] and [4]. For this reason excessive branching is often considered expensive [5], and formation of lowly productive tillers is considered an investment loss to the plant. Tillering characteristics can be altered by changes in environment and agronomic practices [6] and should be considered in relation to light intensity, temperature and carbohydrate metabolism. Higher panicle numbers per m2 of direct-seeded rice are due to higher maximum tiller number per m2 but not to higher panicle-bearing tiller rate [7]. Tillage is considered to be the oldest and the most effective farm activity for developing a desired soil structure.

, 2010) of the Morel histologically-based probabilistic atlas (Mo

, 2010) of the Morel histologically-based probabilistic atlas (Morel, 2007). Although part of the GPe may have been affected on

the left, the lesions are largely within the GPi as shown in Fig. 1 of the text. Both the patient’s MRI scan and the atlas were registered to the standardised Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space. We use a recently validated atlas of the pallidum (Prodoehl et al., 2008) and found lack of extensive involvement of the GPe. In addition, to establish which cortical regions were most likely to be deafferented, diffusion-weighted data from 12 healthy aged-matched Selleckchem Carfilzomib male subjects following the algorithm of Draganski et al. (2008). After automated cortical and subcortical parcellation using FreeSurfer ( we performed probabilistic diffusion tractography in subject-specific native space using a probabilistic index of connectivity (PICo)

algorithm (Parker and Alexander, 2003, 2005) implemented in Camino software ( To delineate the projection sites of specific cortical areas on the pallidum (Fig. 2A) we implemented a two stage probabilistic tractography approach: (i) probabilistic tractography from caudate to cortical targets as defined in FreeSurfer (LOFC – lateral orbitofrontal cortex, M1 – precentral and paracentral gyrus) and (ii) probabilistic tractography from DNA Methyltransferas inhibitor pallidum to caudate after definition of the specific cortical projection sites. We calculated voxel-based PICo maps for the pallidum seed structures to each target area and transformed the individual maps to standard LDN193189 MNI space using parameter estimates from each individual’s T1-weighted data. Statistical analysis

was performed within the SPM8 framework. After automated lesion detection using SPM8, we used KD’s bipallidal lesion map in standard space to test the pattern of connectivity profiles of these lesion locations in 12 healthy subjects. The search volume was restricted to the internal and external pallidum as defined in the Basal Ganglia Human Area Template (Prodoehl et al., 2008). We tested the significance of the probability of the tracts passing through the lesion using an F-test: regression coefficients with 90% confidence intervals are presented in Fig. 2B. Post-hoc t-tests were used to identify differences in PICo between the three tracts to LOFC, VMPFC and M1. Data was thresholded at the level of p < .0001 uncorrected for multiple comparisons within the described search volume. We investigated rapid decision-making under risk for reward using a ‘traffic lights task’ (TLT) (Adam et al., 2012). Participants fixated a red light (3° diameter) for 1000 msec that successively turned amber and then green (Fig. 3) which was the signal to make a saccade to a target at 20° horizontal eccentricity.


Importantly, GSK126 concentration risedronate has a relatively potent action on the appendicular skeleton [4] and [32]. In the present study, we assessed the separate and combined effects of various doses of risedronate with external mechanical loading on trabecular

and cortical bone, by using the non-invasive mouse tibia axial loading model [33] and [34]. This approach has the advantage that it allows examination of the effect of local mechanical stimulation, distinct from that of exercise, in both trabecular and cortical bone compartments. Virgin, female C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Charles River Laboratories Inc. (Margate, UK) at 7 weeks of age, and housed in sterilized polypropylene cages (n = 5 per cage) with free access to water and a maintenance diet containing 0.73% calcium, 0.52% phosphorus, and 3.5 IU/g vitamin D (RM1; Special Diet Services Ltd., Witham, UK) in a 12-hour light/dark cycle, with room temperature at 21 ± 2 °C. All procedures complied with the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) AG14699 Act 1986 and were reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of the Royal Veterinary College (London,

UK). At 17 weeks of age, 60 mice were divided into five body weight-matched groups and treated with daily subcutaneous injections of vehicle (saline; n = 20) or risedronate (Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mason, Ohio, USA) at a dose of 0.15 (n = 10), 1.5 (n = 10), 15 (n = 10) or 150 (n = 10) μg/kg/day for 17 days (days 1–17). 1.5 μg/kg/day is a dose equivalent to that used clinically in osteoporosis patients based on a mg/kg basis and on its known low intestinal absorption. During this treatment, the right tibiae were subjected to external loading under isoflurane-induced anesthesia for three

alternate days per week (approximately 7 min/day) on days 4, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 15. Normal activity within the cages was allowed. The non-loaded contra-lateral (left) bones were used as internal controls, as has previously been validated in the model used in the present study [34] and confirmed DNA Synthesis inhibitor by others in the rat ulna axial loading model [35]. High doses of calcein (50 mg/kg; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri, USA) and alizarin (50 mg/kg; Sigma Chemical Co.) were injected intraperitoneally on the first and last days of loading (days 4 and 15), respectively. At 19 weeks of age (day 18), the mice were euthanized and their tibiae were collected for analysis. Body weight was measured before (day 1) and after (day 18) these treatments. Although it could have been potentially interesting to use ovariectomised animals [36] and [37], we chose to simplify the experimental design and to study a full dose response to risedronate in intact animals. The apparatus and protocol for non-invasively loading the mouse tibia have been reported previously [33], [34], [37], [38] and [39].

Z użyciem tabeli randomizacyjnej pacjentów losowo przydzielano do

Z użyciem tabeli randomizacyjnej pacjentów losowo przydzielano do jednej z trzech grup, w których stosowano odpowiednio: 1. 2% żel Lignocainum Hydrochloricum U (producent Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A. Jelenia Góra), czas aplikacji 15 min; Niezaangażowana w pobieranie krwi pielęgniarka wybierała do nakłucia żyłę łokciową, prawej lub lewej ręki, a następnie

aplikowała odpowiednią dawkę preparatu. W każdym Navitoclax przypadku zastosowaną warstwę środka znieczulającego pokrywano przezroczystym opatrunkiem okluzyjnym. Zarówno dziecko, jak i osoba pobierająca krew nie wiedziała, do której grupy został przydzielony pacjent. Po upływie wymaganego czasu aplikacji usuwano opatrunek i w warunkach gabinetu zabiegowego pobierano przez nakłucie żyły krew do zleconych badań diagnostycznych. Każdorazowo zabieg pobierania krwi wykonywała ta sama pielęgniarka. W przypadku pojawienia się problemów z jednorazowym pobraniem krwi (np. pęknięcie naczynia), rezygnowano z dalszego uczestniczenia dziecka w badaniu. Po pobraniu krwi i opuszczeniu gabinetu zabiegowego, w wyznaczonym miejscu – sala pobytu dziennego – dziecko otrzymywało kartę z Obrazową Skalą Oceny Bólu (FSP) i zaznaczało rysunek, który odpowiadał nasileniu odczuwanego bólu w trakcie całego zabiegu. Średnie różnice natężenia bólu w trzech badanych grupach porównywano z użyciem

jednoczynnikowej analizy wariancji dla grup przekrojowych ANOVA (test F), a następnie dla zmiennych ciągłych obliczono średnią różnicę między badanymi grupami. Dla zmiennych Amine dehydrogenase dychotomicznych Bcl-2 inhibitor obliczono ryzyko względne, które definiowano jako

iloraz prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia danego skutku w grupie eksperymentalnej, w której zastosowano interwencję i tego prawdopodobieństwa w grupie kontrolnej. Wyniki przedstawiono w postaci średniej wraz z 95% przedziałem ufności. Do statystycznej analizy danych użyto komputerowego programu Statistica wersji 5,0, firmy Stat Soft. Analiza wyników została dokonana w grupach wyodrębnionych zgodnie z zaplanowanym leczeniem (ITT – intention to treat analysis). Badanie prowadzone było na Oddziale Pediatrycznego Szpitala Zachodniego im. Jana Pawła II w Grodzisku Mazowieckim w okresie od kwietnia 2004 r. do marca 2005 r. Wstępnie zakwalifikowano 83 pacjentów przyjętych na oddział celem rozszerzenia diagnostyki z zakresu chorób układu oddechowego, alergii, niedoborów masy ciała i wzrostu, zaburzeń ze strony układu pokarmowego, moczowego oraz po wcześniejszym omdleniu i/lub utracie przytomności. Pięć osób (dzieci i/lub opiekunów) po informacji, że czas aplikacji preparatu może wynosić do 1 godziny nie wyraziło zgody na dalsze uczestnictwo w badaniu. Pozostałych 78 pacjentów zgodnie z listą randomizacyjną zakwalifikowano do jednej z 3 interwencji (2% lignokaina, krem EMLA lub placebo), po 26 dzieci w każdej grupie.

Anthocyanins are glycosylated polyhydroxyl or polymethoxyl

Anthocyanins are glycosylated polyhydroxyl or polymethoxyl

derivatives of the 2-phenylbenzopyrylium (flavylium) cation. This basic structure, with no glucose substituents, is called anthocyanidin or aglycone and can be obtained by acid hydrolysis. The major aglycones are delphinidin, cyanidin, pelargonidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin. These compounds differ from each other with respect to the degrees of hydroxylation and methylation and with respect to the position and nature of their glycosyl moieties ( Bravo, 1998; Francis & Markakis, 1989). The daily consumption of blueberries and other antioxidant-rich fruits is often limited by seasonal availability, market accessibility and cost and time constraints; in addition, frozen and thermally processed products may be selected PD98059 supplier over fresh products because of the greater convenience. There is currently not sufficient knowledge about the anthocyanidin content of thermally processed

fruits. Few papers have reported the quantification of anthocyanidins or the effects of food processing on these molecules (Nyman & Kumpulainen, selleck chemicals llc 2001; Oliveira, Amaro, Pinho, & Ferreira, 2010; Queiroz, Oliveira, Pinho, & Ferreira, 2009; Yue & Xu, 2008). The preservation of anthocyanins is of great interest because the degradation of these compounds may considerably affect the color, the sensorial acceptance unless and the nutritional value of the fruit and the food products containing anthocyanin-rich fruits (Patras, Brunton, O’Donnell, & Tiwari, 2010). Anthocyanins and the corresponding aglycones are prone to degradation. The easy oxidation of anthocyanins, due to the antioxidant properties of these molecules,

leads to degradation during processing and storage (Skrede, Wrolstad, & Durst, 2000). The native enzymes polyphenoloxidase and glucosidase, which are present in blueberries, are the major enzymes responsible for anthocyanin degradation in this fruit (Kalt & Dufour, 1997; Kader, Rovel, Girardin, & Metche, 1997). Preferably, thermal processing should inactive these enzymes without reducing the content of anthocyanins. The literature suggested that thermal treatment for 45–60 s at temperatures between 90 and 100 °C is able to inactivate the primary enzymes related to anthocyanin degradation (Fennema, 2010). Kinetic parameters for the degradation of anthocyanins were estimated, and studies concluded that the rate of anthocyanin degradation is time and temperature dependent and that these compounds are especially sensitive to temperatures above 70 °C (Jimenez, Bouhon, Lima, Dornier, Vaillant, & Pérez, 2010; Sadilova, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006; Wang & Xu, 2007). Thermal processing is the most common method for microorganism and enzyme inactivation, and this technology has been extensively employed in food processing.

Nineteen of the 40 female respondents mentioned that transition t

Nineteen of the 40 female respondents mentioned that transition to another method should occur “when LAM ends” or “when any of the three LAM criteria no longer apply.” Others provided incomplete responses see more including only one or two criteria. Among husbands, most mentioned only that women should take another method by 6 months, and did not cite either of the other cues. Among mothers/mothers-in-law,

most also only remembered that women should transition at 6 months, and did not cite the other two cues. Approximately one third of postpartum women interviewed (32.5%) were currently using a modern contraceptive method. Of the 40 women interviewed, 6 reported using oral pills, 4 used injectables, 2 used implants, and 1 reported regularly using condoms. Fourteen of the 40 women reported previously using LAM, and half of those women (n = 7) had since transitioned INK 128 mouse to another modern method. No respondents were eligible for LAM at the time of the interview (all were beyond six months postpartum). The 40 postpartum women interviewed for this assessment were categorized along the SBC continuum (based on the criteria outlined in Section 2) as seen in Fig. 2. Over half of the women were classified as “intending,” approximately one third are either “practicing” or “advocating,” and a smaller proportion

fall earlier in the continuum at the “knowledgeable” and “approving” phases. Many respondents expressed having learned new information about PPFP through Asma’s Story and the leaflet. The vast majority of female respondents reported improved understanding about fecundity and FP.

Women’s knowledge of optimal pregnancy spacing and timing of return to fecundity also was reported by many to have improved after hearing Asma’s Story. However, few respondents remained at the knowledgeable phase—most had moved further through the continuum. For the two women who did remain 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase at this stage, both were knowledgeable about return to fecundity and optimal spacing of pregnancies, but felt that using FP was not consistent with their religious beliefs. At the time of the interview, four of the 40 women were classified as being at the approving phase. Three of these women felt that Asma’s experience was similar to the experience of some women in their community, and over half of all 40 postpartum women interviewed said they know someone personally who had a similar experience to Asma’s. However, women remaining at the approving phase faced barriers preventing them from intending to act. Several expressed that although they personally approved, their husbands’ opposition prevented them from using FP. One respondent at this stage also mentioned wanting more children before starting an FP method. At the time of the interview, more than half of the women (21 of 40) were at the intending phase.