imicola, which is allegedly highly zoophilic ( Calvete et al., 2008 and Conte et al., 2009). The contribution of the invasive Stegomyia albopicta in particular is likely to be important given its demonstrable ability to sustain outbreaks of chikungunya virus between humans at least transiently in Italy ( Talbalaghi et al., 2010). Testing of a Brazilian population of this species with OROV, however, led only to very low rates of infection and limited
dissemination ( Smith and Francy, 1991). The control of Culicoides has previously been reviewed in detail for Europe ( Carpenter et al., 2008) and there are additional highly informative historical reviews of attempts to control biting nuisance from C. impunctatus in the Scottish highlands using insecticidal application ( Blackwell, 2001, Trichostatin A price Kettle, 1996 and Stuart et al., 1996). In both livestock and human-associated species, wide-scale control of larvae or adults through treatment, removal or covering of development or resting
sites is considered unfeasible due to the broad range and abundance of habitats utilized ( Carpenter et al., 2008). Research for preventing biting of C. impunctatus on human hosts has therefore largely centered upon the use of repellents, of which the current gold standard is N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) ( Carpenter et al., 2008 and Corbel et al., 2009). Additional alternative active ingredients have also been investigated including eucalyptus ( Trigg, 1996); Icaridin ( Carpenter et al., 2005); salicyclic acid ( Stuart et al., 2000) and azadirachtin ( Blackwell
et al., 2004). Ruxolitinib All of these repellents have been shown to provide at least some degree of protection during transient attacks (e.g. during tourist activities). These studies of existing repellents have also been complemented by the identification of novel volatile chemicals from humans that interrupt host-location by C. impunctatus and may be useful in the future design of PTK6 dedicated repellents for this species ( Logan et al., 2009). For individuals exposed to persistently high biting rates repeated application of repellents becomes unfeasible due to dermatological reactions, and treated clothing and mechanical barriers such as netted hoods may provide more convenient protection (Dever et al., 2011, Harlan et al., 1983 and Hendry, 2011). In the case of forestry workers, this approach has been trialed successfully in several areas of Scotland (Hendry and Godwin, 1988), although the rate of use is dependent on a variety of factors, not least the tolerance towards biting of the individual concerned. Following incursion of an arbovirus and associated education, this rate would be likely to increase both in forest workers and other human populations exposed to Culicoides biting attacks. In addition to repellents, traps baited with natural repellents (semiochemicals) also demonstrate some promise in reducing incidence of adult host-seeking C.