We also revealed the spectrotemporal patterns of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic tonal receptive fields (TRFs) in DS neurons, because they might be the major determinants underlying the responses to FM sweeps (Andoni et al., 2007, Atencio et al., 2007,
deCharms et al., 1998, Felsheim and Ostwald, 1996, Schnupp et al., 2001 and Ye et al., 2010). Our data indicate that the topography of direction selectivity observed in the primary auditory cortex can be traced as early as to the IC. For neurons in the IC, direction selectivity is constructed by the temporal interplay between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs that are not direction selective, instead of the coincidental excitatory inputs in response Selumetinib mw to the preferred direction or coincident inhibitory inputs evoked by the null direction. Such temporal imbalance of excitation and inhibition and DS topography
can be attributed to the find more spectral disparity of DS neurons’ synaptic receptive fields, in which much broader inhibitory input receptive fields with extended frequency domains were observed. These findings also imply that synaptic input circuitry can be the underlying substrates of neurons’ functional properties and organizational topography. To investigate the spatial distribution and the response properties of neurons in the subcortical auditory nuclei, we carried out multiunit extracellular recordings to determine where the salient responses to pure tone pips and the direction of FM sweeps could be located. Pure tone pips with various frequency-intensity combinations were used to map the frequency-intensity tonal receptive field for spike responses (spike TRF) at each recording site. The characteristic frequency (CF) was then determined
as the frequency to which the neurons were most sensitive. Spike responses to FM sweeps at various speeds were examined at different intensities. A direction selectivity index (DSI) was calculated for the responses to the pairs of opposing directional sweeps with the same speed and intensity. A DSI with a positive value indicates upward direction selectivity, whereas a DSI with a negative value indicates downward direction selectivity (see Experimental Procedures). We focused on the core afferent pathway connecting the auditory nerve and the primary auditory else cortex, so only the recording sites in the CN, the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (CNIC), and the ventral nucleus of medial geniculate body (MGBv) were considered in this study (Winer and Schreiner, 2005). In total, 91 sampling sites from the CN (46 from the dorsal cochlear nucleus, DCN; 23 from posteroventral cochlear nucleus, PVCN; and 22 from the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, AVCN), 115 sampling sites from the CNIC, and 82 sampling sites from the MGBv were included (Figure 1A; also see Experimental Procedures).