In this review, we will highlight recent selleck kinase inhibitor studies by our group and others which discuss how junctional proteins can promote outside-to-inside signaling and modulate epithelial cell fate. Unraveling the complex crosstalk between epithelial cells and their intercellular junctions is essential to understanding how epithelial barrier function is maintained in vivo
and might provide new strategies for the treatment of inflammatory disorders of the intestine.”
“In this paper, the delay-dependent stability is investigated for neural networks with a time-varying delay. By using the augmented Lyapunov functional method and by resorting to the novel method for estimating the upper bound of the derivative of augmented Lyapunov functionals, the less conservative asymptotic stability criteria are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Two numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness and the less conservativeness of the proposed method. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights
“Both plant sex and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis influence resource acquisition and allocation in plants, but the interaction between these two components is not well established. As the different plant sexes differ in their resource needs and allocation patterns, it is logical to presume that they might differ in their relationship with AM as well. We investigate SIS3 whether the association Nutlin-3 purchase with AM symbiosis is different according to the host plant sex in the gynodioecious Geranium sylvaticum, of which, besides female and hermaphrodite plants, intermediate plants are also recognized. Specifically, we examine the effects of two different AM fungi in plant mass allocation and phosphorus acquisition using a factorial greenhouse/common garden experiment. Cloned G. sylvaticum material was grown
in symbiosis with AM fungi or in non-mycorrhizal condition. We evaluated both the symbiotic plant benefit in terms of plant mass and plant P content and the fungal benefit in terms of AM colonization intensity in the plant roots and spore production. Our results suggest that G. sylvaticum plants benefit from the symbiosis with both AM fungal species tested but that the benefits gained from the symbiosis depend on the sex of the plant and on the trait investigated. Hermaphrodites suffered most from the lack of AM symbiosis as the proportion of flowering plants was dramatically reduced by the absence of AM fungi. However, females and intermediates benefited from the symbiosis relatively more than hermaphrodites in terms of higher P acquisition. The two AM fungal species differed in the amount of resources accumulated, and the fungal benefit was also dependent on the sex of the host plant. This study provides the first evidence of sex-specific benefits from mycorrhizal symbiosis in a gynodioecious plant species.