BMC Microbiol 2007, 7:45.PubMedCrossRef 61. eBURST V3. [] 62. The R Project for Statistical Computing. [] Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interest. Authors’ contributions EAW carried out the experimental studies and helped draft the manuscript. JLF participated in the Seliciclib manufacturer design
of the study. SP performed some of the statistical analysis and helped draft the manuscript. MAB gave intellectual input on the statistical analysis and helped draft the manuscript. CW conceived the study, participated in its design and coordination and helped draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Ralstonia eutropha H16, a Gram-negative facultative chemolithoautotrophic bacterium, can utilize various organic compounds such as sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, and plant oils in the heterotrophic growth
mode, while in the absence of organic substrates, it thrives autotrophically on H2 and CO2 as the energy and carbon sources, respectively, where CO2 is fixed by Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle [1]. This strain has been also known to accumulate poly(3-hydroxybutylate) [P(3HB)] as a storage compound under unbalanced growth conditions, if a carbon source is available in excess while another essential element (N, O, P, S, or metals) is growth limiting at the same time. It has been estimated that P(3HB) accumulation has a role in survival under the stress conditions. Bacterial P(3HB) has attracted industrial attention because it is a biodegradable thermoplastic LBH589 solubility dmso that can
be produced from renewable carbon sources; thus it is a possible alternative to Mephenoxalone petroleum-based polymer materials. A number of studies have focused on P(3HB) biosynthesis by R. eutropha H16, particularly regarding the biosynthetic pathways and enzymes, as well as the biogenesis, structure, and mobilization of intracellular P(3HB) granule [2–7]. In this strain, P(3HB) is synthesized from the central intermediate acetyl-CoA through three step reactions catalyzed by β-ketothiolase (PhaA), NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (PhaB1), and PHA synthase (PhaC1), the genes of which are clustered in phaC1-A-B1. The intracellular P(3HB) exists as granules coated with a layer of phospholipids and several proteins, i. e. PhaC1, P(3HB) depolymerases (PhaZs) and phasins (PhaPs). The phaC1-A-B1 operon or the respective genes from R. eutropha H16 have been used to confer the capability for P(3HB) biosynthesis to non-PHA-producing bacteria such as Escherichia coli, as well as higher plants [8]. This strain has also been used as a host for metabolic engineering with the aim of biosynthesizing PHA copolyesters with more flexible properties compared with the brittle and hard P(3HB) homopolymer [9–15]. The complete genome analysis of R. eutropha H16 was reported in 2006 [16]. The genome consists of three circular replicons; chromosome 1 (4.