Thus, the present study does not provide evidence of a general ongoing detrimental effect on BMD following the early period after HAART initiation of either of these two drug classes. The results may suggest that HAART or HAART-induced immunological changes cause a temporary imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation or that treatment abrogates HIV-induced accelerated
bone loss. MK-1775 solubility dmso Randomized studies to evaluate the influence of earlier treatment initiation on bone metabolism are warranted. Author contributions Conception and design: A. B. Hansen, N. Obel, H. Nielsen, C. Pedersen and J. Gerstoft. Collection of data: A. B. Hansen, N. Obel, H. Nielsen, C. Pedersen and J. Gerstoft. Analysis and interpretation of the data: A. B. Hansen and J. Gerstoft. Drafting of the article: A. B. Hansen. Critical revision of the article: A. B. Hansen, N. Obel, H. Nielsen, C. Pedersen and J. Gerstoft. Financial support This study was supported by an unconditional grant from Abbott, Denmark. Abbott was not involved in the design or conduct of the study, data collection, management, analysis or interpretation of data, preparation or approval of the manuscript, or the decision to submit for publication. “
“Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has transformed HIV
infection into a manageable chronic illness, yet AIDS mortality among ethnic minorities persists in the USA. HAART nonadherence is associated with increased Staurosporine HIV viral load, low CD4 cell count and racial disparities in HIV outcomes. While there is no universal consensus on how to improve medical adherence in HIV-positive populations, the community health worker (CHW) model is emerging as an effective strategy to overcome barriers to HAART adherence. Although utilized in international settings, there is little evidence regarding the effects of CHWs on HIV outcomes in the USA. We performed a comprehensive search from May 2010 to November
2010 to identify studies carried out in the USA that eltoprazine utilized CHWs to improve HAART adherence and measured HIV viral loads and CD4 cell counts to assess intervention effects. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed for this article. All studies reported clinical HIV outcomes. Interventions that lasted at least 24 weeks, provided frequent contact with participants, and focused on medication management were associated with improved HAART adherence, as indicated by reduced HIV viral load and increased CD4 cell count. Compared with current standards of care, CHW programmes may offer a practical and cost-effective alternative to improve HAART adherence, which may lead to reduced HIV viral load and increased CD4 cell counts among HIV-positive populations in the USA. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can transform HIV/AIDS from a fatal diagnosis to a manageable chronic illness [1,2].