The term “resistance” to a drug should be used when a drug is unable to INCB024360 in vivo hit its pharmacological target [25] i.e. when aspirin is unable to inhibit platelet-derived Cox-1-dependent TxA2 production, or when clopidogrel is unable to inhibit the P2Y12 platelet receptor. As a consequence, with regard to aspirin response, resistance refers to assays evaluating TxA2′s stable breakdown product (serum TxB2). With regard to clopidogrel response, resistance refers to the specific evaluation of P2Y12 receptor inhibition
(using quantification of the phosphorylation status of the vasodilator phosphoprotein [VASP assay]) [25]. The term “high on-treatment platelet reactivity” relates more to platelet function assessed with non-specific assays (aggregation-based assays) that provide a more global evaluation of platelet reactivity. Several genetic and non-genetic factors have been associated with the variability of antiplatelet drug response [26], but these factors explain only a small proportion of the observed variability. There is however a major difference between the causes of the variability of aspirin response in comparison to clopidogrel response. The biological response Osimertinib mouse to the latter antiplatelet drug is mainly mediated by the efficiency of the metabolization of the pro-drug and thus by the concentration of the active metabolite that is driven by esterases and liver CYP [27].
Clopidogrel response is thus mostly determined by liver-related factors. Conversely, specific assays revealed that aspirin has a much more homogeneous effect, with more than 95% of TxA2 production being inhibited in the
vast majority of patients [25]. However, when using aggregation-based assays, a significant proportion of CV patients (around 30%) displayed preserved platelet function despite adequate inhibition of platelet-derived TxA2 production [28]. This finding points to platelet-related factors that may overcome aspirin’s inhibition of the TxA2 pathway. Aspirin may thus reveal compensatory mechanisms that allow platelet aggregation to occur despite TxA2 inhibition, Vorinostat datasheet and cardiovascular patients treated with aspirin as their sole antiplatelet drug are of particular interest for the identification of these compensatory pathways [29]. The platelet activation pathways that might modulate platelet reactivity in aspirin-treated CV patients are not known. Pioneering studies addressed the issue of the heterogeneity of platelet reactivity in healthy subjects. They showed that a phenotype of “platelet hyperreactivity” is found in around 14% of this population [30]. Moreover, it has been shown that this phenotype is strongly heritable, global (not agonist-specific), stable over time and barely affected by CV risk factors [30], [31], [32] and [33]. Moreover, platelet hyperreactivity was shown to be independent of aspirin intake [34], i.e. subjects with platelet hyperreactivity without aspirin treatment still displayed platelet hyperreactivity on treatment.