The spectra for Au and Ag NPs are in excellent agreement with the

The spectra for Au and Ag NPs are in excellent agreement with the spectra reported by Temple et al. [3] and Schaadt et al. [4]. Figure  2a shows that both the Au NPs and Ag NPs exhibit narrow LSPR peaks at 565 and 435 nm, respectively, whereas the Au-Ag BNNP sample displays LSPR peaks at 540 and 437 nm, which indicate higher average forward scattering, as shown in Figure  2b. Figure  2b clearly shows that forward scattering dominates when the glass substrate and the MNPs have minimum parasitic absorption. The forward scattering of Au-Ag BNNPs on glass is increased 1.2-fold, 3.0-fold, and 10.2-fold, respectively,

compared to those values for Ag NPs on glass, Au NPs on glass, and bare glass BLZ945 purchase structure. Figure 2 Measured optical properties of Au NPs, Ag NPs, and Au-Ag BNNPs on glass substrate and bare glass (as a reference). (a) Transmittance (solid line) and reflectance spectra (dot line) (the inset PF477736 shows the BNNP structure on thin a-Si). (b) Forward scattering + absorption spectra. Figure  3a,b shows the measured reflection

and calculated absorption spectra of Au NPs, Ag NPs, and Au-Ag BNNPs on thin a-Si films. The Ag and Au NP structures on thin a-Si film exhibit high absorption around 420 and 530 nm, respectively, and the wavelength span over which the absorption is enhanced is relatively narrow. However, it should be noticed that the absorption is slightly enhanced over the measured spectrum (300 to 1,100 nm) in comparison to the absorption of thin a-Si film. On the other hand, the average absorption and forward scattering of the Au-Ag BNNPs on thin a-Si films is at least 19.6% higher than that of Au NPs and at least 95.9% higher than that of plain a-Si without MNPs over the 300- to 1,100-nm range. As can be seen in Figure  3a, the deposition of MNPs lowers the reflection of amorphous Si, and thus these MNPs also act as antireflection structures. The average reflection of Au-Ag BNNPs is lower by 30.5%, 34%, and 39.5% compared to those values for Au NPs on a-Si, Ag NPs on a-Si, and Au-Ag BNNPs on a-Si, respectively. Edoxaban It should be noted that

the Au and Ag NPs slightly reduce the reflection of thin a-Si films at around 420 and 530 nm, respectively. Au-Ag BNNPs, however, can achieve broadband antireflection due to the different average sizes of the Au and Ag NPs (average Au and Ag NP diameters are 100 and 60 nm, respectively). It should also be noted from Figures  2b and 3a that the reflection spectra of the MNPs deposited on the glass substrate differ from those fabricated on thin a-Si films. This discrepancy in reflection spectra can be explained through the diffusion model for light propagation [15]. When a light wave strikes a plain glass region, a fraction of it is reflected due to the air-glass interface; the remainder is transmitted. A glass substrate has a low refractive index, leading to low reflection from the top and bottom surfaces of the substrate.

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