The reason for being so keen in bringing the ICS meeting back to

The reason for being so keen in bringing the ICS meeting back to the United States is that although the ICS is an international society, in terms of membership numbers, he believes there is slightly more emphasis on its European members. Dr. Stone has seen this year’s meeting as a tremendous opportunity to involve and collaborate with clinicians and scientists from the United States. He also remarked on the excellent quality and number of submitted

abstracts. In this review we highlight a number of selleck compound presentations that span the outstanding research for which the ICS is known. Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Improves Urgency Incontinence in Women With Multiple Sclerosis Dr. Adélia Correia Lució1 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical from the University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil) reported that pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is effective in reducing urgency and urgency incontinence, frequency, and nocturia, and in increasing maximum flow rate and reducing postvoid residual volume in women with multiple sclerosis (MS). The effects of PFMT on Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lower urinary tract symptoms are known, but the authors extended the investigation to the subpopulation of women with MS with relapsing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical remitting form. Twenty-seven patients with symptoms of urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, frequency, and nocturia are included in this single- blind, prospective, randomized trial. Patients

were randomized into 2 groups: treatment (n = 13) and sham (n = 14). The intervention was 12 weeks in duration and was performed by a physiotherapist in both groups. The treatment group did PFMT lying supine with the assistance of a Perina (Quark, São Paulo, Brazil) perineometer. Women were instructed to practice the exercises daily at home in other positions (sitting, standing) without the assistance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of any device and integrate them into their daily activities. The regimen was reviewed weekly according to the initial vaginal assessment. The sham treatment consisted of the introduction of a perineometer inside the vagina with no contraction being required. Patients from both groups were assessed before Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and after treatment with 24-hour pad testing, 3-day bladder diary,

and urodynamic study (postvoid residual volume, maximum cystometric capacity, detrusor overactivity, and maximum flow rate). The women treated reported a significant reduction in the pad weight, whereas there was no improvement with sham stimulation. Treatment also significantly decreased daytime frequency and nocturia whereas sham therapy did not. The authors the reported a significant decrease in postvoid residual volume and a significant increase in maximum flow rate with treatment, whereas in the sham therapy group it remained the same. No difference was observed in maximum voided volumes, in detrusor overactivity, and maximum cystometric capacity in both groups. Dr. Lució concluded that PFMT offers symptomatic relief regarding urgency, frequency, and nocturia in women suffering with MS.

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