The QALY takes into account the duration and quality of life gained and, because it is not disease-specific, is a universal currency that allows policy makers to compare the value of interventions
across different health conditions. The aim of our study was to estimate the incremental healthcare costs and benefits of using either Selleck Lenvatinib pioglitazone or vitamin E in addition to lifestyle modification in patients with recently diagnosed NASH and advanced fibrosis (F3 or greater). Second, we aimed to identify the key factors that drive cost-effectiveness and therefore prioritize areas for future research. Using a third-party payer perspective, a deterministic decision analytical Markov model (TreeAge Software, Williamstown, MA) was developed using a lifetime horizon. In this model, the average patient was age 50 with elevated aminotransferases, biopsy-proven NASH
with fibrosis level 3/4, and no prior treatment. We first structured the model to simulate the natural history of disease progression in patients with NASH (Fig. 1). In each cycle, patients may remain well or develop compensated cirrhosis or decompensated cirrhosis, with a proportion eligible for liver transplantation. A proportion may also develop HCC and will enter cycles governing various treatment strategies selleck compound for HCC. We assumed an annual cycle length and the model terminated when all patients died. This lifetime horizon was chosen to reflect the often
slowly progressive nature of liver disease due to NASH. Half-cycle corrections were included for all parameters. Reporting was performed according to peer-reviewed guidelines for economic evaluations.21, 22 The model had three arms that were compared in the base case analyses: lifestyle modification, pioglitazone in addition to lifestyle modification, and vitamin E in addition to lifestyle modification. These two drugs were chosen as they are considered the principle pharmacologic options for patients with NASH. Patients in the lifestyle modification arm received management consistent with international Ribonucleotide reductase guidelines,23 including hepatologist review with diet and exercise recommendations twice per year and annual dietitian consultation. Dietary recommendations were consistent with the principles of healthy eating for patients with the metabolic syndrome including reduction in saturated fats and refined carbohydrate and increased intake of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and adequate dietary fiber. All patients with cirrhosis underwent 6-monthly HCC screening. Patients in the pioglitazone arm received advice on lifestyle modification in addition to a daily oral dose of pioglitazone (30 mg).