The proxy vaccine effectiveness irrespective of HPV type used aga

The proxy vaccine effectiveness irrespective of HPV type used against CC cases and deaths was 93% (95% CI:79–99%). It is based on the most recent data on the HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted VE against CIN3+ irrespective of HPV type in the HPV- naïve1 TVC from the end-of-study results from the PATRICIA trial [9]. The efficacy observed in this find more population is thought

to be representative of the VE among the primary target population for HPV vaccination programmes in many countries worldwide, i.e. girls pre-sexual debut [11] and [12]. Vaccination was assumed to offer lifetime protection. The number of cases prevented for each country that could be attributed to protection against HPV-16/18 alone was estimated by multiplying the annual number

of CC cases and deaths by vaccine coverage and the expected vaccine effectiveness against HPV-16/18 related-CC cases and deaths. The HPV-16/18 related effectiveness was estimated using country-specific data of the proportion of CC cases attributable to HPV-16/18 multiplied by the reported vaccine efficacy against HPV-16/18-related CC. Vaccine efficacy of 100% against HPV-16/18-related CC was used based on the AS04-adjuvanted HPV-16/18 VE against CIN3+ causally related to HPV-16/18 in the HPV-naïve1 TVC from the end-of-study data PLX3397 order from the PATRICIA trial Metalloexopeptidase [9]. The distribution of HPV-16/18 in CC cases specific for each country was taken from the Institut Catala d’Oncologia (ICO) Information Centre on HPV and cancer database [2], using a weighted distribution

if the summed distribution exceeded 100% (all HPV = 100%) or the unadjusted distribution if the sum of the distribution did not exceed 100%. Country-specific HPV distributions were used where available or valid. Data were considered not valid when data for less than 7 HPV types were reported or the sum of the minimum and maximum number of samples for the determination of any of the HPV type distribution was less than 100. For countries without country-specific data, regional values when available or continental values were used. The annual numbers of CC cases and deaths (irrespective of HPV type and HPV-16/18-related) potentially prevented by HPV vaccination at steady-state were tabulated for each individual country for four scenarios of vaccine coverage i.e. 50, 70, 90 and 100%. The formulae below formally describes the calculations used.

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