The extensive dopamine denervation induced by MPTP was associated with a decrease by about half of phosphorylated Akt(Ser473) levels in posterior caudate nucleus, anterior and posterior putamen; smaller changes were observed for phosphorylated Akt(Thr308) levels that did not reach see more statistical significance. Dopamine depletion reduced phosphorylated GSK3 beta(Ser9) levels, mainly in posterior putamen whereas pGSK3 beta(Tyr216) and pGSK3 alpha(Ser21) were unchanged. In posterior caudate nucleus, anterior and posterior putamen of dyskinetic L-Dopa-treated MPTP monkeys,
pAkt(Ser473) and pGSK3 beta(Ser9) were elevated whereas L-Dopa+cabergoline treated MPTP
monkeys without MLN2238 supplier dyskinesias had lower values in posterior striatum as vehicle-treated MPTP monkeys. In non-dyskinetic MPTP monkeys treated with L-Dopa+CI-1041, putamen pAkt(Ser473) and pGSK3 beta(Ser9) levels remained elevated as in dyskinetic monkeys while in posterior caudate nucleus, these levels were low as vehicle-treated and lower than L-Dopa treated MFTP monkeys. Extent of phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3 beta in putamen correlated positively with dyskinesias scores of MPTP monkeys; these correlations were higher with dopaminergic drugs (L-Dopa, cabergoline) suggesting implication of additional mechanisms and/or signaling molecules in the NMDA antagonist antidyskinetic effect. In conclusion, our results showed that in MPTP monkeys, loss of striatal dopamine decreased Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase Akt/GSK3 signaling and that increased phosphorylation of Akt and
GSK3 beta was associated with L-Dopa-induced dyskinesias. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Mitochondrial diseases are a diverse group of inherited and acquired disorders that result in inadequate energy production. They can be caused by inheritable genetic mutations, acquired somatic mutations, and exposure to toxins (including some prescription medications). Normal mitochondrial physiology is responsible, in part, for the aging process itself, as free radical production within the mitochondria results in a lifetime burden of oxidative damage to DNA, especially the mitochondrial DNA that, in turn, replicate the mutational burden in future copies of itself, and lipid membranes. Primary mitochondrial diseases are those caused by mutations in genes that encode for mitochondrial structural and enzymatic proteins, and those proteins required for mitochondrial assembly and maintenance. A number of common adult maladies are associated with defective mitochondrial energy production and function, including diabetes, obesity, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and hyperlipidemia.