The corresponding proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli XL1

The corresponding proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli XL1-Blue and 4EGI-1 in vivo purified by on-column digestion with PreScission Protease (GE Healthcare). The quality of purified proteins was checked on SDS polyacrylamide gel (12–15%) and the molecular sizes were confirmed. Purified M. smegmatis Zur protein showed the molecular weight of 14 kDa, similarly to M. tuberculosis Zur, while IdeR protein showed

the molecular selleckchem weight of 25 kDa (data not shown). In order to verify the regulation of msmeg0615-msmeg0625 cluster, we used the M. smegmatis purified proteins in EMSA experiments on the rv0282 and msmeg0615 upstream regions (Figures 3A, B). As shown in Figure 3A, M. smegmatis IdeR was able to bind both promoter regions, while

M. smegmatis Zur seemed to recognize and efficiently retard only the rv0282 promoter, but not the corresponding region of M. smegmatis (Figure 3B). The data suggest that cluster gene regulation differs between M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis; we particularly note the lack of zinc regulation for the msmeg0615 promoter. Figure 3 EMSA experiments on M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis pr1 promoter with M. smegmatis IdeR (A) and Zur (B) proteins. (A) Migration of different DNA fragments representing the upstream region of the following genes: mmpS5-mmpL5 (unrelated fragment) (lanes 1–2), rv0282 (lanes 3–4), msmeg0615 (lanes 5–6), in the absence (-) and in the presence (+) of M. smegmatis IdeR. (B) EMSA experiments Daporinad cost on the promoter region of M. tuberculosis rv0282 (lanes 1–4) and msmeg0615 (lanes 5–8) with M. smegmatis Zur. Lanes 1 and 5, negative control (without protein); lanes 2 and 6 no metal; lanes 3 and 7 200 μM Zn; lanes 4 and 8 400 μM Zn. Determination of the transcriptional start site and Flucloronide effects of different metal ions on pr1 5′ RACE experiment was performed to further characterize the M. smegmatis msmeg0615 (pr1) promoter region. Similarly to M. tuberculosis [11], the hypothetical start site, mapping at -114 upstream of the msmeg0615 gene (indicated with the arrow in Figure 2A), identified a consensus promoter sequence

that partially overlapped the palindromic sequence (5′-TTAACTTATGTAATGCTAA-3′) (Figure 2A), which was highly homologous to the previously identified M. tuberculosis IdeR binding site [16, 17]. β-galactosidase assays were performed to better define the activity of the msmeg0615 promoter (pr1). A fragment extending from -292 to +8, which was obtained by amplification with Pr1MSF and Pr1MSR primers (primer sequences are underlined in Figure 2A), and which contained the promoter region, was cloned in fusion with the lacZ gene into the integrative plasmid pMYT131. β-galactosidase activity was tested in Sauton medium, in the presence and in the absence of metal ions. In accordance with EMSA results, those data clearly demonstrated that M.

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