Stages ranged from early-detected to advanced disease 33 studies

Stages ranged from early-detected to advanced disease. 33 studies had two arms, one trial had three, and one four arms. Endpoints were: survival (22 studies), tumour remission, recurrence or time to recurrence or metastases (8 studies), pleurodesis (1 study), QoL or coping with disease (11 studies), QoL or tolerability of concomitant chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery (13 studies). Length of

follow-up varied from three days in one trial to – usually – months or years. All treatment groups received conventional care when indicated, and most patients had undergone prior surgery. In 16 studies (9 RCTs and 7 non-RCTs) the combination of VAE treatment and concurrent chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery was investigated. 13 of these studies assessed Saracatinib solubility dmso reduction of side effects

from Lenvatinib cost these cytoreductive therapies. Three trials directly compared VAE treatment versus chemotherapy treatment or versus radiation and hormones [60, 62, 66]. In most studies VAE therapy was used at least partly in an adjuvant setting after surgery or radiotherapy. The commercial VAE applied were Iscador®, Helixor®, Eurixor® or Lektinol®. VAE dosage mostly followed general recommendations, starting with low doses and increasing to an individually still well-tolerated dosage, or treating according to lectin-content (in 6 trials) or leaving treatment modalities to the physician’s discretion, which, it can likewise be assumed, followed general recommendations. VAE was injected subcutaneously except in three trials employing intravenous infusion or intrapleural instillation [48, 60, 65]. Treatment duration was often not specified and depended on primary endpoint and related follow-up, ranging from not one single application (in one trial [65]) to repeated applications over months and years. Control groups either received no further comparison treatment (n = 27), additional placebo application (n = 5), doxycycline (n = 1), Lentinan (n = 1) or radiation and hormones (n = 1). 4 trials had double-blinded treatment application. Single-arm studies 11 prospective cohort

studies [32, 44–46, 73–80] (Table 6) included 1,130 patients. Cancer sites studied were breast (n = 6), ovary (n = 1), CIN (n = 1), malignant pleural effusion (n = 2) and malignant ascites (n = 2). 8 studies investigated several cancer types. Tumour stages were advanced or inoperable except in three studies. In most studies patients had received conventional treatment some time previously. Directly preceding or concurrent anti-cancer treatment had been applied in two studies (gemcitabine [44], surgery [45]). Nine studies assessed tumour remission; seven reported QoL or symptomatic relief. Two studies primarily investigated the toxicity profile, pharmakokinetics and potential interactions of either the combination of gemcitabine and VAE [44, 73] or of rML [32], and secondarily assessed tumour behaviour. The commercial VAE remedies were Abnobaviscum®/Viscum fraxini, Iscador, Helixor, Lektinol or Aviscumine® (rML).

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