Some members of this family have largely resisted structural characterization as a result of challenges associated with their inherent flexibility. Small-angle scattering (SAS) is often the method of choice for 3-MA cell line their structural study. An extensive set of simulated data for both flexible and rigid multidomain systems was analyzed and modeled using standard protocols. This study clearly shows that SAXS profiles obtained from highly flexible proteins can be wrongly interpreted as arising from a rigid structure. In this context, it would be important to identify features from the SAXS data or from the derived structural models that
indicate interdomain motions to differentiate between these two scenarios. Features of SAXS data that identify
flexible proteins are: (1) general attenuation of fine structure in the scattering profiles, which becomes more dramatic in Kratky representations, and (2) a reduced number of interdomain correlation peaks in p(r) functions that also present large D (max) values and a smooth decrease to 0. When modeling this dynamically averaged SAXS data, the structures obtained present characteristic trends: (1) ab initio models display a decrease in resolution, and (2) rigid-body models present highly extended conformations PF-00299804 molecular weight with a lack of interdomain contacts. The ensemble optimization method represents an excellent strategy to identify interdomain motions unambiguously. This study provides information that should help researchers to select the best modeling strategy for the structural interpretation of SAS experiments of multidomain proteins.”
“In this report a textile azo dye Remazol orange was degraded and detoxified by bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa BCH
in plain distilled water. This bacterial learn more decolorization performance was found to be pH and temperature dependent with maximum decolorization observed at pH 8 and temperature 30 A degrees C. Bacterium tolerated higher dye concentrations up to 400 mg l(-1). Effect of initial cell mass showed that higher cell mass concentration can accelerate decolorization process with maximum of 92 % decolorization observed at 2.5 g l(-1) cell mass within 6.5 h. Effect of various metal ions showed Mn has inducing effect whereas Zn strongly inhibited the decolorization process at 5 mM concentration. Analysis of biodegradation products carried out with UV-vis spectroscopy, HPTLC and FTIR confirmed the decolorization and degradation of Remazol orange. Possible route for the degradation of dye was proposed based on GC-MS analysis. During toxicological scrutiny in Allium cepa root cells, induction in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and inhibition of catalase (CAT) along with raised levels of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in dye treated samples were detected which conclusively indicated the generation of oxidative stress.