“Recognition of things prior to them happening to prevent admission I suppose”. The work in the role was prioritized on the basis of impact on patients. “It’s about keeping a clinical focus on the patients and being an advocate for clinical care and getting good outcomes for all of our patients, or clients or people”. While not unanimous when discussing what best prepares someone for the CNC role, many participants identified
personal attributes. Few participants identified formal educational preparation specifically for the role. buy Dasatinib The personal traits raised were passion, drive, leadership abilities, and confidence in speaking up and injecting ideas on how to improve care. Clinical experience was also highly valued. “I mean you seriously need a clinical expert doing these jobs”. This was combined with a need to be flexible and the ability to engage people to “get buy-in”. Those with strong research experience nominated research as useful preparation for the role, and others, particularly some participants with a masters degree, identified that skills in working with and developing systems have been, or would be, most useful. Consistent with the value placed on flexibility SCH 900776 order to allow optimal performance of the role, limitations to role performance were related to factors that impinged on flexibility. “So for
example our Director of Nursing has never done any further study, doesn’t believe in any of it, won’t allow us to do things like research and things like that would make a difference. It’s very hard to get things off the ground when it’s not endorsed at that level”. The concept of “micro-management” was also identified as a severe limiter. Another common limitation was colleague’s lack of understanding of the CNC role. “People haven’t seen all the stuff
that goes up and all the heartache that goes up before that. No one asks our staff specialists if they’re not on the ward for a week, what they are doing. They don’t have to justify themselves”. The work was described as iceberg-like, and not immediately visible, particularly to clinical colleagues. Further to invisibility was that, “we FER don’t articulate, we don’t sell, we were never equipped with that kind of toolkit, and you don’t feel you want to put yourself out there all the time”. This study utilized hermeneutic phenomenology to identify important features of CNC practice and this provides a beginning articulation of the value-add of the advanced practice within the RN scope role. There were aspects of the Strong Model of Advanced Practice (Ackerman et al., 1996) that were apparent in the participant narratives and we collected clear examples of advanced practice in clinical care, support of systems, education, research and professional leadership.