Predation undoubtedly has an overriding influence on body size selection. Depending on its mechanistic PF-00299804 basis (visual, tactile or both in tandem), it selectively favours either small or large body size, both within (adults vs. juveniles) and between prey species, which are accordingly often ‘size-trapped’ between contrasting selective
pressures, with consequent indirect effects. The bioenergetics of fundamental physiological processes undoubtedly set constraints on body size and serve as the primary determinant. However, within such constraints, the phenotypic expression of body size reflects its adaptive modification in response to the prevailing abiotic and biotic environment. As such, body size represents an emergent ecological property, reflecting the outcome of specific circumstances and conditions, which vary both temporally within and spatially between different ecosystems, and are accordingly context dependent. Nevertheless, underlying physiological advantages of larger size (within and between species) among crustacean zooplankters-lower mass-specific metabolic rates (although recently challenged), higher individual feeding rates (at least among cladocerans), potentially wider food size-ranges, better starvation tolerances, higher potential
fecundity, etc.-collectively favour the selection of increased body size, as predicted by the SEH. Although competitive superiority of large size (measured in terms of minimal food requirements) has been confirmed experimentally, this cannot be generalized to natural conditions, where conflicting and GSK461364 clinical trial temporally variable pressures
apply, and contribute to generally mixed, and temporally variable body size compositions.\n\nComplex undrlying ecological interactions and influences ultimately determine the phenotypic expression P005091 datasheet of body size in directions consistent with fitness optimization under prevailing circumstances. Certain specific and general deficiencies in information are identified. In particular, the overwhelming emphasis on daphniid cladocerans as model study taxa in freshwater ecosystems has marginalized the acquisition of a comparably broad and penetrating understanding of specific features both of non-daphniid cladoceran and copepod life histories and body size selection. Among daphniid cladocerans, contemporary definitive understanding devolves largely from reductionist laboratory approaches. Holistic re-integration of these mechanistic findings into natural system circumstances presents a difficult challenge that is attracting increasingly attention. With regard to copepods, synthetic integration of the expansive marine knowledge base appears crucial to inform and direct future investigations on freshwater taxa. The question of intrinsic body size regulation in copepods and cladocerans, especially in regard to final phenotypic plasticity in body size expression, awaits resolution.