Possibly, the higher content of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which promotes pellet disintegration by expanding upon contact with water, in the placebo pellets (nearly 100%),
compared to the ATP pellets (nearly 50%), resulted in a quicker release of lithium and hence the higher plasma concentration. Another possibility is that the negative charges on the CMC molecule, which promote its exposure to water, are shielded by the sodium-ions in the ATP pellets, thus slowing the swelling of CMC in the pellets and Lumacaftor thereby the release of their contents. What may be the consequences of increased plasma uric acid concentrations obtained by orally administering ATP? On the one hand, hyperuricemia is a risk factor for gout and is associated with hypertension [36–39]. The highest individual uric acid concentration (405 μmol/L) we observed, is within the range reported for male non-gouty individuals (179–440 μmol/L) [40]. No adverse effects were observed during the study. The short-lasting increase in uric acid concentration found in the current study is not likely to cause any symptoms of gout or hypertension, since these require a prolonged
period of severe increase [41]. On the other hand, high uric acid concentrations have also been associated with beneficial health effects. Uric acid may HSP cancer function as an antioxidant [42, 43], and epidemiological studies have shown that Sorafenib mouse healthy subjects with high uric acid concentrations are at a reduced risk for developing Parkinson’s disease, a condition suspected to be instigated by oxidative damage [44, 45]. Furthermore, patients with multiple sclerosis are known to have lower uric acid concentrations than healthy volunteers, and raising the uric acid concentration by pharmacological means has been the subject of recent investigation [46]. Although increasing the uric acid concentration pharmacologically using ATP pellets might have benefits for certain
individuals, these have to be weighed against increased risks of gout and possibly cardiovascular disease [36, 38, 39]. Conclusions A single dose of oral ATP supplement is not bioavailable, whether administered as proximal-release or distal-release enteric coated pellets, or directly instilled in the small-intestine. This may explain why several studies did not find ergogenic effects of oral ATP supplementation. An on average 50% increase in uric acid concentration was found with the proximal-release pellets and with the naso-duodenal tube, suggesting that ATP or one of its metabolites is absorbed, but immediately metabolized before becoming available to the body. Uric acid itself may have beneficial effects, but this needs further study. Also, more studies are needed to determine whether chronic administration of ATP will enhance its oral bioavailability. Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the Graduate School VLAG.