Our slab model consists of four GaN bilayers as shown in Figure 1. We also investigated hydrolysis processes at kinked sites. Figure 1b indicates an ordinary step-terrace structure, and Figure 1c indicates a kink-like structure. However, the ‘kink-like structure’ here does not represent a proper kinked structure. In this structure, one out of every two Ga atoms is removed from a step, and N dangling bonds are terminated by H atoms. Thus, the present kink-like structure has higher reactivity than ordinary kinked structures, and the reactivity of true kink sites may be Idelalisib concentration in between those of the present kink-like structure and the
step structure. The work function difference between the two surfaces of a slab is compensated by an effective screening medium method proposed by Otani and Sugino [12]. Dangling bonds at the bottom layers of N and Ga atoms are terminated by pseudo-hydrogen atoms which have fractional number of nuclear charges, i.e., a hydrogen with atomic number of 0.75 to terminate a dangling bond of N and a hydrogen with atomic number of 1.25 to terminate
a dangling bond of Ga. Figure 1 Calculation model. (a) Side view and (b) top view of a step-terrace structure. (c) Top view of a kinked structure. Results and discussions Termination of the GaN surface Before investigating dissociative adsorption processes of H2O molecule, we examined the termination of surface Ga atoms. Since the etching reaction occurs in pure water with Pt plate check details in contact with GaN surface, surface Ga atoms are considered to be terminated by H atoms Adenosine or OH groups (see Figure 2a). We calculated the differential heat of adsorption of H and OH as a function of surface coverage. The results are shown in Figure 2b. The formation energies of H-terminated (E f [H n /GaN]) and OH-terminated (E f [(OH)_n/GaN]) surfaces are calculated by Equations 1 and 2: (1) Figure 2 Geometries and differential adsorption energies of H, OH, and H 2 O on a GaN surface. (a) Top view of H, OH, and H2O on a zinc blende GaN(111) surface. (b) Differential adsorption energy of OH (black square) and H (black circle) as a function of surface coverage Θ. The differential
adsorption energy of H2O on 0.75 ML of OH-terminated surfaces is also shown by a red square. (2) where E[ GaN] is the total energy of a GaN(111) 2×2 surface unit cell, Θ is the coverage of H (or OH) defined by n/4, and n is the number of adsorbed H or OH in the GaN(111) 2×2 surface unit cell. By taking the derivative of the formation energies with respect to the surface coverage, we calculated the differential adsorption energies of H and OH as a function of surface coverage. (3) (4) Figure 2b shows that OH termination is more stable than H termination for all coverages. Moreover, the differential adsorption energy becomes positive for Θ>0.75 ML for both H and OH termination. This can be understood by counting the number of electrons in the surface dangling bonds.