Once triggered, the time course of recovery from illness became identical to the spontaneous remissions on placebo. Antidepressant drugs, therefore, may not change the pattern of the natural course of recovery from illness, but simply speed the recovery and change the boundary between “responders” and “nonresponders.”103 The psychometric distinction between state and trait may also reflect the rollback phenomenon, and may hinder detection of change. If
recovery Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical implies the return to premorbid functioning, personality traits are likely to influence its definition. Unfortunately, the state-trait dichotomy and its psychometric counterparts appear to be situated on a continuum with
blurred borders which do not permit, clearcut differentiation.1 For instance, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical certain personality traits may entail enduring, long-term characteristic modes of feeling, thinking, and behaving in the course of depression, whereas antidepressant treatment may be beneficial in the modification of certain Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical personality traits, which are therefore subject to state influences.68,69 Rafanelli ct al18 introduced the hypothesis that the state/trait characteristics of a specific instrument may be stage-dependent. The concept of mental health Ryff and Singer104 remark that, historically, mental health research is dramatically weighted on the side of psychological dysfunction, and that health is equated with the absence
of illness rather than the presence of wellness. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical They suggest that the absence of well-being creates conditions of vulnerability to possible future adversities, and that the route to recovery lies not exclusively in alleviating the negative, but in engendering the positive. Little is known of the relationship between subclinical symptoms and well-being in the residual phase of affective disorders. In a small investigation,105 a well-being-enhancing psychotherapeutic strategy (well-being therapy) wasfound to be associated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with a significant, reduction in residual symptoms in patients with affective disorders. The balance between positive and negative affects and its biological counterparts may thus carry considerable weight, on the complex regulation underlying the longterm outcome of affective disorders. In a survey on factors identified by depressed outpatients as important in determining remission, the many most, frequently judged as such were the presence of features of positive mental health, such as optimism and selfconfidence, a return to one’s usual, normal self, and a return to the usual level of functioning.106 In 1958 Marie Jahoda107 outlined some tentative criteria for positive mental health, encompassing attitudes selleck screening library toward the self, growth, integration, autonomy, perception of reality, and environmental mastery.