Notwithstanding the electronic character of substituents

Notwithstanding the electronic character of substituents

in the aromatic ring of the isocyanates all reactions proceed through concerted asymmetric late transition states. The addition to the C=N bond is considerably more preferable than to the C=O bond. In the transformations under consideration the intermolecular donor-acceptor interactions between the reagents result in the appearance of abnormal selectivity.”
“Background: Cartilage graft is an effective method for reconstructing the bony framework of the face and covering the bony defect site. As a process method of cartilages, lyophilization has the advantages of long-term storage and easy handling. We hypothesized that the type of procedure used to sterilize lyophilized cartilage may affect outcomes after implantation into the body. We compared the effects of ethylene oxide (EO) gas, gamma-irradiation, and autoclaving methods on cartilage grafts.

Methods: SNX-5422 purchase After

sterilization, lyophilized human rib cartilage was inserted Bcl-2 inhibitor into subperiosteal pockets created in New Zealand white rabbit skulls. We assessed the weights and ratios of the remaining cartilage and examined histologic changes throughout the implantation period.

Results: Over a 5-week period, the gamma-irradiated grafts remained more than the other grafts, but after more than 5 weeks, there were no significant differences between gamma-irradiated and EO gas-sterilized cartilages. Autoclave-sterilized

cartilages were totally resorbed at 10 weeks.

Conclusions: Over 10 weeks of follow-up, based on persistence measurements and histologic appearance, there was little difference between gamma-irradiated check details and EO gas-sterilized lyophilized cartilage used in experimental bone grafts.”
“Objectives: Using reconstructed three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) models, the purpose of this study was to analyze and compare mandibular condyle morphology in patients with and without temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

Study Design: Thirty-two patients were divided into two groups: the first comprised those with TMD (n=18), and the second those who did not have TMD (n=14). A CT of each patient was obtained and reconstructed as a 3D model. The 64 resulting 3D condylar models were evaluated for possible TMD-associated length, width and height asymmetries of the condylar process. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the results and student’s t tests applied to compare the two groups.

Results: Statistically significant (p<0.05) vertical, mediolateral and sagittal asymmetries of the condylar process were observed between TMD and non-TMD groups. TMD patients showed less condylar height (p<0.05) in comparison with their asymptomatic counterparts.

Conclusions: Using 3D-CT, it was shown that condylar width, height and length asymmetries were a common feature of TMD.

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