Light microscopy showed that culturing with cytokines resulted in large cells with oval or irregularly shaped nuclei and many small dendrites
(Fig. 2, compare panel B to panel A). Phenotypically, FACS analysis showed that fresh (i.e., uncultured) F4/80-B220-CD11c+ cells expressed moderate levels of CD40; low levels of Ia, CD80, CD86, and DEC-205 molecules; and were negative for F4/80 and CD8α antigen (Fig. 3). selleck Functionally, these cells were unable to stimulate allogeneic T cells in a MLR assay (Fig. 4). By contrast, cultured F4/80-B220-CD11c+ cells expressed high levels of Ia, CD86, CD80, and DEC-205 antigen (Fig. 3) and acquired the capacity to enhance allogeneic T cell proliferation INCB28060 datasheet as effectively as mature, BM-derived DCs (Fig. 4). Figure 2 Morphological characteristics of CCL3 and CCL20-recruited F4/80 – B220 – CD11c + cells before and after culture. (A), Fresh CCL3 and CCL20-recruited F4/80-B220-CD11c+ cells were sorted from PBMNCs of mice by FACS and observed by light microscopy (original magnification ×200). (B), These cells were cultured with GM-CSF and TNFα for 5~6 days, then were observed by light microscopy (Giemsa staining was performed, original
magnification ×400). Figure 3 Immunophenotypic analysis of CCL3 and CCL20-recruited F4/80 – B220 – CD11c + cells. CCL3 and CCL20-recruited F4/80-B220-CD11c+ cells cultured for 5~8 days were incubated with PE or FITC-labeled MAbs. The phenotype of these cells was analyzed by immunofluorescence
staining as described in the SCH727965 manufacturer Materials and Methods. Results are given as means ± SD from three independent experiments. Figure 4 The capacity of CCL3 and CCL20-recruited F4/80 – B220 – CD11c + cells to enhance allogeneic MLR. Allogeneic MLR were performed using splenic T cells purified from B6 mice as responder cells. Fresh and cultured F4/80-B220-CD11c+ 4��8C cells were treated with MMC to arrest cell proliferation and were used as stimulator cells at the indicated cell numbers, respectively. Macrophage were used as controls. T cell proliferation was determined with MTT after 5 days of culture. Results are expressed as the mean ± SD of triplicate cultures. All data are representative of three independent experiments. Generation of tumor-specific CTL induced byDC-Ad-MAGE-1 ex vivo To study the potential of CCL3 and CCL20-recruited DCs in anti-tumor immunity ex vivo, DC-MAGE-1 were employed after five days of culture with GM-CSF and IL-4. Splenic T cells from naïve mice were primed ex vivo with DC-Ad-MAGE-1 in the presence of IL-2 and IL-7 to elicit cytolytic reactivity against tumor cells. When T cells primed with DC-Ad-MAGE-1 were added to tumor cells, they were able to efficiently and specifically lyse MFC, but not B16F10 tumor cells, which do not express MAGE-1. The results also showed that T cells primed with DC-Ad-LacZ or untreated DC did not induce specific CTL (Fig. 5).