It appears that the overexpression of topB prevents growth of cells that retain the topA plasmid, in line
with previous results showing that increased levels of topoisomerase III are toxic for E. coli wild type cells [14, 19]. Figure 2 The lethality of ΔtopA cells can be suppressed by increased levels of DNA topoisomerase III, but not by overexpression of recG. (A) Arabinose-induced expression of topB, which codes for DNA topoisomerase III, leads to formation of white colonies. The selleck kinase inhibitor smaller colony size indicates that the suppression is only partial. Increased levels of DNA topoisomerase III are toxic for E. coli cells, leading to reduced numbers of blue colonies as well as aberrant colony morphologies (compare the two enlarged colonies in Ai and Aii). (B) Increased levels of RecG support growth of ΔtopA cells only marginally The ΔtopA lethality is not suppressed by overexpression of rnhA or recG It was previously reported that the growth defect of cells lacking topoisomerase I can be suppressed by increased concentrations of RNase HI. Furthermore, ΔtopA ΔrnhA double mutants were found to be inviable even in the presence of point mutations that strongly suppress the ΔtopA phenotype [7]. This led to the suggestion that
RNA:DNA hybrids might be a major problem for ΔtopA cells [7]. We therefore investigated whether RecG helicase suppressed the ΔtopA phenotype. RecG protein was shown to unwind the RNA from R-loops in Atezolizumab vitro [20, 21] and overexpression of recG results in reduced yields of ColEI plasmids that initiate replication via an R-loop [20], suggesting Adenylyl cyclase that RecG can process R-loops in vivo. To investigate whether recG overexpression suppresses the ΔtopA phenotype we used an overexpression construct as described for topB (see Material and Methods). The plasmid fully suppressed the phenotype of cells lacking RecG if expression was induced, whereas no suppression
was observed under conditions where expression was repressed [22]. As shown in Figure 2B expression of recG at high levels only marginally suppressed the topA phenotype. Our data suggest that R-loop processing activity of RecG is not sufficient to suppress the ΔtopA phenotype efficiently. To confirm that elevated concentrations of RNase HI suppress the growth defect of cells lacking topoisomerase I we repeated the experiment with a P araBAD rnhA plasmid. However, medium expression levels of rnhA from a P araBAD plasmid proved toxic for the cells (Additional file 2: Figure S2), presumably because the high levels of RNase HI degrade the R-loop required to initiate replication at the pMB1 origin. To avoid this problem we amplified the rnhA locus including the arabinose promoter region and integrated the construct into the proB locus, using standard single-step gene replacement [23].