Initial symptoms on leaves were small white-yellow watery spots, which coalesced into dry necrotic stripes 0.3 wide and up to 8 cm long. Reddening sometimes developed on these leaves. Stems developed a rot in the crown. The buy Doxorubicin flag leaf became rot and necrotic at the base, rolled inwards and dried out. Necrosis developed at the base of the corn ears and their growth was inhibited. These symptoms were initially observed in Asgrow-7573 commercial maize plantings. A bacterium characterized by white colonies, gram negative, aerobic, rod-shape, opaque, round colonies with entire margins on casaaminoacid peptone and glucose media was consistently isolated from diseased maize
plants. On King’s Medium B, the isolates produced yellow, non-mucoid colonies, with the majority of the strains secreting a diffusible yellow pigment into the media. The bacterium identity was confirmed by PCR amplification and sequencing of 16S and 23S genes rDNA learn more fragments. The bacterium was identified
as Burkholderia gladioli. Its pathogenicity on maize plants in Mexico is a new record. “
“Asian soybean rust (ASR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most important diseases on soybean. At the moment, ASR is managed mainly with fungicides due to the absence of commercial cultivars with resistance to this disease. This study evaluated the effects of acibenzolar-Smethyl (ASM), jasmonic acid (JA), potassium silicate (PS) and calcium silicate (CS) on soybean resistance to ASR. The ASM, JA and PS were sprayed to leaves 24 h prior to inoculation with P. pachyrhizi. The CS was amended to the soil. The incubation period (time from the inoculation until symptoms development) was longer for
plants growing in soil amended with CS or sprayed with ASM in comparison with plants sprayed with water (control). Plants sprayed with ASM had longer latent period (time from the inoculation until signs appearance) in comparison with the control plants. Plants sprayed with PS showed fewer uredia per cm² of leaf in relation to the control plants. The ASM and PS were the most effective treatments in reducing the ASR symptoms in contrast to the JA and CS treatments. The JA served as an inducer of susceptibility to ASR. “
“Symptoms of bitter rot were observed on apple and pear 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 fruits in the field and in storage in Croatia between 2009 and 2011. Fifteen Colletotrichum isolates from apple and two from pear were collected and identified by sequencing of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the ribosomal DNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ten isolates from apple and two isolates from pear could be identified as Colletotrichum fioriniae, five isolates from apple were clustered in Colletotrichum clavatum, while one isolate was in the Colletotrichum acutatum A7 group. All isolates caused typical bitter rot symptoms when inoculated on apple and pear fruits.