In the same session, the group from Montreal also reported specifically on stress urinary incontinence following HoLEP and examined possible ways to predict and/or prevent it.98 In their analysis, they found that the presence
of diabetes mellitus, large prostate volume, and greater reduction in PSA (ie, more complete enucleation of tissue), remains statistically significant for the development Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of stress urinary incontinence. The authors recommend an early start with Kegel exercises in the immediate postoperative period or even preoperatively (there are no data to support this claim) and offer modifications to the HoLEP procedure to decrease the rate of stress urinary incontinence (Figure 10). Figure 10 Modifications Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the holmium laser enucleation procedure to decrease the rate of stress urinary incontinence. Reproduced with permission of Elmansy et al.98 Regarding GreenLight or KTP PVP, Zorn and colleagues presented midterm outcomes of 250 cases performed in a single center with the GreenLight 120W HPS laser. Stratified by prostate volume (less than 60, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 60–100, and over 100 cc), improvement was reported in symptom score at 1 year by 69%, 63%, and 50%, and in peak flow rate by 194%,
175%, and 162%, respectively. The authors deem these improvements as significant and durable and acknowledge that larger prostates require significantly more time and energy.99 The brand new 180W XPS laser received considerable attention on the trade show floor, but was also represented in an abstract presented by Woo and colleagues, who reported on an international, multicenter experience with this particular technology.100 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Since June 2010, the availability date for the laser, 60 consecutive patients underwent 180W XPS PVP with the liquid-cooled MoXy laser fiber. The participating sites included Basel, Switzerland; KRX-0401 mw Boston, Massachusetts; Madrid, Spain; Sydney, Australia; San Francisco, California; and London, UK. The population was a typical BPH population with a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical mean age of 69.8 years, Qmax of 8.7 mL/s, prostate volume of 67.8,
serum PSA level of 5.8 ng/mL, and an IPSS score of 22.1. After Fossariinae an observation period limited by necessity to 3 months, Qmax improved to 17.9, and IPSS declined to 6.5. No reoperations occurred, but the follow-up period is short. The authors found in early experience that the high-powered 180 W laser provided better handling and greater fiber durability with more rapid and visible tissue ablation with improved coagulation properties. Long-term data obviously are needed to verify these findings. Finally, a comment regarding an innovative procedure, the UroLift® System Treatment, developed by NeoTract (Pleasanton, CA). Woo and colleagues presented a multicenter experience focusing on the first 64 patients who were treated primarily in Australia.