In 20 healthy
participants, VSEP measurement was done by electrical stimulation of the cutaneous representation of the vagus nerve in the external auditory channel and recording of VSEP over the scalp. The optimum stimulation intensity is 8 mA without perception of pain. There is no effect of stimulation side or gender. Maximum VSEP amplitudes are detected at bipolar recordings comprising the electrode T4 without statistically significant differences of latencies, wave shape and polarity. Thus, recordings of future examinations should be performed at 8 mA including this temporal electrode position. The reason for focussing on brain stem evoked potentials is that recent work has accumulated evidence for this area being involved in early phases of neurodegenerative VX-680 cell line diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Improved methodological knowledge
may facilitate the assessment of this non-invasive and cost-effective method in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders.”
“OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk for nodal metastasis in women with endometrial cancer based on uterine characteristics on pathology.\n\nMETHODS: From a study of staging for uterine cancer, women were identified as being at low risk for nodal metastasis based LCL161 in vivo on three specific criteria on final pathology reports: 1) less than 50% invasion, 2) tumor size less than 2 cm, and 3) well or moderately differentiated endometrioid JIB-04 histology. If the uterine specimen did not meet all three criteria, it was viewed as high risk for nodal metastasis.\n\nRESULTS: Nine hundred seventy-one women were included in this analysis. Approximately 40% (or 389 of 971) of patients in this study were found to be at low risk, with a rate of nodal metastasis of only
0.8% (3 of 389; exact 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.16-2.2). No statistical differences in median age, body mass index, race, performance status, missing clinical data, or open or minimally invasive techniques were found among the patients with and without nodal metastases. Patients with high-risk characteristics of their uterine specimens compared with those with low-risk characteristics have 6.3 times the risk of nodal metastasis (95% CI 1.67-23.8, P=.007).\n\nCONCLUSION: Low-risk endometrioid uterine cancer criteria may be used to help guide treatment planning for reoperation in patients with incomplete surgical staging information. (Obstet Gynecol 2072;119:286-92) DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e318240de51″
“ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2012; 19:11191126 (C) 2012 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Abstract Objectives: The objective was to determine if focused transthoracic echocardiography (echo) can be used during resuscitation to predict the outcome of cardiac arrest. Methods: A literature search of diagnostic accuracy studies was conducted using MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library databases.