If any process control failed the MBDA score specifications, all samples on the plates http://www.selleckchem.com/products/ink128.html which contained the failed process control were repeated. For patient samples, the percent coefficient of variation (% CV) of the signals between the duplicate wells was calculated for each marker. If the % CV was above the biomarker specific
acceptability limit (typically 20%), the concentration reported for that sample was deemed unreliable and was retested. Microplates are read on the SECTOR Imager 6000 reader (MSD, Gaithersburg, MD), which uses an ultra-low noise charge-coupled device (CCD) camera with a custom-designed telecentric lenses to detect light emitted at ~ 620 nm upon electrochemical stimulation. Plate images are obtained in six sectors and data is subsequently acquisitioned into MSD Discovery Workbench Software. Paired serum and plasma samples were collected from RA subjects who fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1987 criteria (Arnett et al., 1988). All samples were collected under Investigational Review Board approved protocols with informed consent. To collect samples, 32 individuals with RA had matched serum and plasma samples drawn with Serum Separator Transport (SST™) Tubes and EDTA Vacutainer tubes from Becton Dickinson Maraviroc cost (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ), respectively, from the same needle stick. Both the serum and plasma tubes were processed per
manufacturer’s instructions, aliquots prepared, frozen and subsequently tested in the MBDA protein biomarker and autoantibody biomarker assays. To evaluate serum collection and handling variables, serum samples were collected from 10 individuals who were diagnosed with RA based on ACR 1987 criteria (Arnett et al., 1988). All samples were collected under Investigational Review Board approved protocols
with informed consent. Matched sets of BD SST™ were used to draw blood. One set of tubes from each individual was incubated at ambient temperature for 30–45 min Rucaparib solubility dmso and then centrifuged for 10 min at a 1000 to 1300 RCF (g) per manufacturer’s instructions. This was followed by overnight shipment in a temperature controlled (2–8 °C) package (“protocol”). A matched tube from each individual was simultaneously shipped overnight at ambient temperature while remaining on the clot (e.g. not centrifuged; “traditional”). Upon arrival, the traditional tube was centrifuged and all samples were aliquoted and frozen for analysis in the MBDA lower case protein biomarker and autoantibody biomarker immunoassays. The 10 matched sets of processed serum were run on two duplicate plates for each multiplexed panel (panels A, B, and C). Due to limited amount of samples available, only 7 matched sets were analyzed for autoantibody experiments. The autoantibody biomarkers were evaluated with custom assays using the MSD platform. Briefly, eight peptides (Table 1) were immobilized onto streptavidin MSD plates.