g., resin canals, sclereid cells and thorns) as well as chemical defences (e.g., the production of toxic phenols and terpenoids), have evolved in response to herbivory ( Alfaro et al., 2002, Cooper and Owen-Smith, 1986 and Franceschi et al., 2005). Insects and pathogens have developed mechanisms to de-activate these defences and even utilize them for Epigenetics Compound Library datasheet their own benefit;
for example, some insects use tree terpenes as precursors for their communication pheromones ( Erbilgin et al., 2014) or incorporate them into their own defence systems ( Higginson et al., 2012). The relationships between trees and associated herbivores, parasites and pollinators are strongly influenced by environmental factors. It is well known, for example, that drought stress reduces the ability of conifers to defend against bark beetles due to changes in plant defences (Ayres and Lombardero, 2000 and Safranyik and Carroll, 2006). Climate change-mediated insect epidemics are already observed in Canada, where the mountain pine beetle has had severe economic consequences for forestry (Konkin and Hopkins, 2009; Fig. 1). In the Canadian province of British Columbia, an outbreak of mountain pine beetle, which began in the early part of the last decade and see more is only now (2014) abating, attacked
more than 13 million hectares of Pinus contorta forests. The cause of this sustained outbreak is believed to have been a long series of unusually warm winters ( Safranyik and Carroll, 2006). As with fire, however, large scale mortality does provide an opportunity for wide-scale regeneration ( Axelson et al., 2010) and hence more rapid adaptation to changing climate. Overall, pest-resistant tree genotypes occur more frequently in areas where climate is most favourable to the insect and the lowest resistance levels are found where the insect is absent (Alfaro et al., 2008). Atezolizumab clinical trial As global environmental changes influence the distribution of the insect, an associated adaptive response by the tree will be required. The mutualistic relationship between trees and insect or vertebrate pollinators is of considerable interest in the
context of climate change. The current view of ecologists recognizes that plant–pollinator relationships are not always a strict one-on-one co-evolutionary process; instead, there are many plant pollinator systems where diverse pollinator assemblages can lead to the maintenance of pollination services, plant reproduction and persistence, and relationships change over time and space (Burkle and Alarcón, 2011 and references therein). Under climate change, trees may be able to rely on new pollinators that shift their attention to them. According to Burkle and Alarcón (2011), the inherent plasticity of plant–pollinator interactions suggests that many species should be able to persist by responding to environmental changes quickly, even though their mutualistic partners may be different.