Close up on the rather short-stalked ascus, with wide and lengthy spore-bearing portion; d. Colony after one month incubation in the dark at 25°C on 85 mm PDA dish; e. Allantoid ascospores. Bars = 1 mm in a; 50 μm in b–c; 50 μm in e MycoBank: MB 519404 Etymology Vulgaris, meaning ordinary, to account Milciclib in vivo for the typical Diatrypella morphology of this fungus. Stromata erumpentia, in pustulis 1–4 μm longis, saepe a nigro lineamento in infero ligno evidente circumscripta, per corticem vel lignum dehiscentia atque a reliqua adhaerente cute vel ligneis fragmentis saepe
circumfusa, incomposita et congruente vel RGFP966 hemispherica atque iuxta ligneis striis oblonga formis variantia. Perithecia circinata vel ovoidea, aliquando compressa, ex albo entostroma
amplexa, 0.25–0.45 mm diametro. Ostiola sulcata, parum eminentia. Asci brevioribus caulis, paraphysati, polyspori, parte sporifera (65−)80−130(−155) × (12−)18–20 μm. Ascospores allantoideae, corpore flavidae (7−)8−10(−12) × 2–2.5 μm. Albae coloniae leviter fuscae aetate se vertentes, una specie cum subexcelso mycelio pycnidia constituente, conidia ad parum lutea corpora manantia. Conidia fili instar, 25–40(−55) × (1−)1.5–2 μm. Stromata well developed, in pustules 1–4 mm in length, often delimited with a black line perceptible in the wood below, bursting through bark or wood and often surrounded by remaining adherent epidermis Vactosertib or wood fragments, varying in shape from irregular and confluent to hemispherical and oblong following wood striations, perithecia circular to ovoid, occasionally compressed, surrounded by white entostroma, 0.25–0.45 mm diam, ostioles sulcate, only slightly prominent. Asci with moderately short stalks, paraphysate, polysporous,
p. sp. (65−)80−130(−155) × (12−)18–20 μm. Ascospores allantoid, yellowish in mass (7−)8−10(−12) × 2–2.5 μm. Colonies white becoming light brown with age, homogeneous with rather moderate aerial mycelium, forming pycnidia exuding conidia in light orange masses. Conidia filiform, 25–40(−55) × (1−)1.5–2 μm. Hosts. Citrus paradisi, Fraxinus angustifolia, Schinus molle var. areira (Australia, NSW). Notes. This fungus shows morphological characteristics typical of fungi in the genus Diatrypella and resembles in many aspects earlier descriptions of for D. verruciformis and D. pulvinata. However, this species can be distinguished on characteristics of the asci which are longer and unusually wide, and which bear longer ascospores than most previously described species (commonly 6–8 μm) (Saccardo 1882; Ellis and Everharts 1892; Berlese 1900; Glawe and Rogers 1984). Also, ITS sequences of this fungus differed from all Diatrypella spp. sequences available in GenBank, including D. pulvinata and D. verruciformis. Specimens examined. AUSTRALIA, NSW, Hunter Valley, on dead branches of Citrus paradisi, Dec. 2008, HOLOTYPE: F. P. Trouillas & W. M. Pitt, coll. number HVGRF03, DAR81030, CBS128327; on dead branches of Fraxinus angustifolia, Dec.