By the anodic (or electrochemical) etching of Si in a HF-containing solution, electropolishing can be regarded as a reaction limited by the diffusion of HF, and electrochemical pore formation as a reaction limited
by the charge supply from the electrode [25]. The transition from the charge-supply-limited reaction to HF-diffusion-limited reaction is characterized by the critical current density J ps, and electropolishing requires high current densities in excess of J ps. In this work, the observations of polishing (marked as vertical PKC inhibitor etching of nanopillars or vertical movement of the Au film front) at the Au film front and pore formation in the formed nanopillars, underneath the Au film and on the metal-off back side of the Si, indicate that charge transfer took place at these sites (interface between the Au film and Si and interface between the Si and solution). In other words, the Au film serves as cathode, and the Si underneath the Au film, the Si pillars, and the back side GSK2118436 of the Si wafers can be regarded as anodes. Charge transfer with the highest current density obviously takes place at the Au film front where the holes are generated. At the Au film front, both polishing and pore formation occurred almost simultaneously for the
highly doped Si. Maybe pore formation underneath the pillars is occurring even before polishing (Figure 2d,f and Additional file 1: Figure S2a,b). It is supposed that dopants serve as nucleation sites for pore formation, and the higher doping level leads to a larger thermodynamic driving force for pore formation in the p-type Si [15]. The charge supply (hole injection) is dependent on the concentration of H2O2 by MaCE, as shown in Equation 1. In the λ 1, λ 2, and λ 3 solutions with relative higher charge supply, only a thin porous base layer is observed (Figure 2f and Additional file 1: Figure S2a,b), and the polishing effect is very strong (indicated by the long
pillar length as seen Figure 8b). The thickness of the thin porous base layer is not homogenous, and a thicker layer was generally observed underneath the pillars, where the local current density is smaller than that directly under the Au film. As the molar ratio λ increases to 0.92 (λ 4) with Niclosamide small H2O2 concentration, thick porous base layers (Figure 3d) under the Au film front were observed in the highly doped Si. The current density at the Au film front is reduced by the limited charge supply, and thereby, the polishing is depressed and the formation of pores under the Au film front becomes more active. This is also confirmed by the smaller pillar length compared with pillars etched in the λ 1, λ 2, and λ 3 solutions (as seen in Figure 8b). A thick porous base layer was also observed under the Au film front after 3-min etching in the λ 3 solution (Figure 2a), while the thickness of the porous base layer is reduced with increasing etching time (Figure 2d,f). The polishing effect becomes stronger after the first 3-min etching (Figure 8a).