Based on the alignment and NJ trees, short or identical sequences were individually removed, and the same procedure was repeated until a balanced dataset containing
111 sequences representing all major nematode taxonomic groups were identified. The dataset was subjected to phylogenetic reconstructions by Bayesian inference (BI) using SB202190 mouse MrBayes (version 3.2) ( and the maximum likelihood (ML) method using TreeFinder (version 2008) ( [17, 18]. This approach determined the phylogenetic relationships among major taxonomic groups, in which O. petrowi was placed within the spirurians, but the relationship among spirurians was not well resolved.
Therefore, we resampled the sequences to include only taxa within Spirurida and Ascaridida as these two groups displayed a sister relationship by this study and previous analyses [19, 20]. This also allowed us to include more taxa within these two groups. The second dataset contained 112 taxa with 1,544 nucleotide positions MEK inhibitor clinical trial and was subjected to phylogenetic reconstructions using BI and ML methods. To further resolve the O. petrowi position, we also compiled a third dataset containing only taxa with close relationship with O. petrowi. This small dataset included only 35 taxa with 1,599 nucleotide positions, and was also subjected to BI and ML analyses. In all datasets, gaps were removed and only positions that could be unambiguously aligned were used in subsequent phylogenetic analyses. In the BI Wnt inhibitor analysis, 1.5 million generations of searches for the first and second datasets (or 1.0 million generations for the smaller third dataset) were performed with 4 independent chains running. Searches reached convergence as determined by the average standard deviation (SD) of split
frequencies reaching < 0.01, and Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) values for various approaching 1.0 [21]. Bootstrapping ML analyses were derived from 200 replicated sequences. In both BI and ML methods, the general time reversal (GTR) nucleotide substitution model was used with the consideration of fraction of invariance and 4-rate of discrete gamma (i.e., GTR + F inv + Γ 4 ). Majority rule consensus trees were visualized using FigTree (version 1.4), followed by tree annotations using Adobe Illustrator CS4. Molecular detection of O. petrowi Sequence comparison of the rRNA regions between O. petrowi and other nematodes indicated that 18S rRNA sequences were less suitable for designing species-specific primers, as they were highly conserved among nematodes. We hence designed primers based on the ITS2 region sequences for specific molecular detection for O. petrowi: QEW_2417F (5’-GGA TTT GCA AGA ATT GTT TCC-3’) and QEW_2578R (5’-AAC GTT ATT GTT GCC ATA TGC-3’) with a predicted product size of 162 bp.