An inhibitory activity on ribonucleotide reductase could also be demonstrated for FWGE, allowing FWGE to interfere with nucleic acid-synthesis by several pathways [1, 8, 11]. Beside the single agent cytotoxic activity of FWGE against human tumor cell lines and human tumor xenografts some data suggest synergistic drug interaction between 5-FU or DTIC in a limited number of cell lines [2, 6]. In addition to the preclinical data there TSA HDAC mw are already a few clinical studies published which suggest some beneficial effect of FWGE in
human cancer therapy. The most impressive data were generated in a randomized Phase II trial by Demidov et al. who observed a significant gain in progression free survival and overall survival for the combination of DTIC and FWGE as compared to DTIC alone in melanoma patients [12]. A study conducted by Jakab et al. in patients with colorectal cancer found an enhanced survival and reduced metastasis formation for the combination of chemotherapy and FWGE as compared to chemotherapy alone group. In a multivariate analysis of this study only tumor stage and FWGE treatment were the only significant predictors of survival [13]. However, this data have to be interpreted with caution since the study had a non randomized design and the patient groups were not balanced [1, 13]. Of similar importance, several studies including the ones cited
above suggested an improvement of quality of life due to co treatment HDAC inhibitor with FWGE [14]. Overall, the limited preclinical and clinical data available suggest some
promising activity profile of FWGE as a nutriment for cancer patients but also a potential anticancer agent. In this broad in vitro study we aimed to analyze the single agent activity of FWGE as well as its interaction with the commonly used drugs 5-FU, oxaliplatin and irinotecan in a large panel of human cancer cell lines Tenofovir research buy from different tumor entities. These data are of potential value to direct the further development FWGE in different cancer types and to help to select potential drug partners for the future development of combinations of chemotherapy regimens with FWGE. Materials and methods Drugs and chemicals FWGE was a generous gift from Biropharma Ltd, Kunfeherto, Hungary. FWGE was stored as dried check details powder at 4°C until use. For experimentation, FWGE was freshly prepared in sterile water to a final concentration of 100 mg/ml. After solution FWGE was centrifuged with 150 g to remove the insoluble material. 5-FU, Irinotecan, Oxaliplatin and Sulforhodamine B were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company, Germany. RPMI 1640 and Penicillin/Streptomycin were obtained from PAA, Pasching, Austria. FBS was purchased Biochrom AG, Berlin, Germany. Cell lines and culture The following human cancer cell lines were used for experimentation: testicular cancer (H12.