900-13.900 0-28.800 800-11.400 Total hospitalization cost per hospitalized patient Proteasomal inhibitors per month (€ 2009) Mean 1.400 8.600 4.500 5.600 14.700 95% CI 400-2.400 0-22.800 0-11.300 0-20.300 0-54.900 Total hospitalization cost per patient (€ 2009) Mean 2.481 2.634 588 1.356 1.017 (1) month of follow-up. Table 4 Summary statistics for hospitalizations for patients with any response to systemic therapy Overall First-line therapy Second-line therapy Third-line therapy
N 89 53 34 14 Patients with any hospitalization N 11 5 4 1 % 12,4% 9,4% 11,8% 7,1% Total length of hospitalization (days) Mean 49,5 13,4 10,5 16 95% CI 0-129,9 2,2-24,6 0,6-20,4 NA Length of hospitalization (days/month(1)) Mean 3 3,3 1,2 1,4 95%CI 1,4-4,6 0,9-5,8 0,6-1,8 1,4-1,4 Total hospitalization cost per hospitalized patient (€ 2009) Mean 36.600 9.900 7.770 11.800 95% CI 0-96.100 1.600-18.200 400-15.100 NA Total hospitalization cost per hospitalized patient per month (€ 2009) Mean 2.200 2.400 888 1.000 95% CI 1.000-3.400 700-4.300 400-1.300 1.000-1.000 Total hospitalization cost per patient (€ 2009) Mean 4.524 934 914 843 (1) month of follow-up. Table 5 Summary statistics for hospitalizations for patients with no response to systemic check details therapy Overall First-line therapy Second-line therapy Third-line therapy N 119 94 78 27 Patients with any hospitalization N 7 6 3 3 % 5,9% 6,4% 3,8% 11,1%
Total length of hospitalization (days) Mean 20,3 76 15,7 19,7 95% CI 10,5-30,1 0-243,6 0-33,3 0-57,7 Length of hospitalization (days/month(1)) Mean 2,5 18 10,9 7,4 95%CI 1,9-3 0-39,3 2-19,8 0-17,1 Total hospitalization cost per hospitalized patient (€ 2009) Mean 15.000 56.200 11.600 14.600 95% CI 7.800-22.300 0-180.300 0-24.600 0-42.700 Total hospitalization cost per hospitalized patient per month (€ 2009) Mean 1.900 13.300 8.100 5.500 95% CI 1.400-2.200 0-29.100 1.500-14.700 0-12.700 Total hospitalization cost per patient (€ 2009) Mean 882 3.587 446 1.622 (1) month of follow-up. As previously pointed out, the same patient might be included in more than one sub-set (first-line, second-line and third-line).
Tobramycin But this event raises perplexities when making comparisons, with discrepancies that are particularly evident when results are analysed separately for patients with any response to systemic therapy and with no response to systemic therapy (Tables 4 and Table 5). For example, the overall mean length of stay does not correspond to the mean of the line-specific length of stay in Table 4 (“Any response to therapy”). This is due to the definition of responders. Within each line of therapy, patients are classified as responders or non-responders, and their results are included in the corresponding table.