80, and on hard trials Phard = 0.60. Therefore, on average Pcombined = 0.70. With these probabilities of success we can generate the PE signals that would occur through the course of a trial and examine if these PEs match our neural data. At the beginning of a trial the predicted reward V(t0) is zero for each time t until the time of incentive presentation tpresentation. The initial presentation of incentive results in a positive prediction error δ = Pcombined∗V(tpresentation) − 0. At tpresentation participants are not
given any cues regarding trial difficulty, therefore their probability of success is Pcombined. These expectations result in positive prediction errors that increase with the magnitude of the incentive offered ( Figure 6B). It can be seen that this PE response mirrors the striatal activations Tanespimycin supplier we observed during incentive selleck presentation. When the motor task begins at tmotor, participants
update their prediction error depending on the difficulty of the trial: easy trials δ = Peasy∗V(tmotor) − Pcombined∗V(tpresentation); hard trials δ = Phard∗V(tmotor) − Pcombined∗V(tpresentation). This results in different PE responses for the different trial difficulties ( Figure 6C). Easy trials result in positive PEs that scale with the magnitude of the incentive, whereas hard trials result in negative PEs that also scale with the magnitude of incentive. Predicted PE responses for hard trials mimic our observed responses in striatum, however striatal responses for easy and combined trials do not align with the predictions
of the PE model. Instead, we see that observed responses for easy trials are exactly opposite those of the PE model (Figure S4). Furthermore, observed responses for the combined trials show deactivation, whereas the model predicts no PE response. Overall, the results of our simulation illustrate that a TD PE model is not sufficient to describe our observed neural responses to incentives. One might also consider a modified version of the PE model that incorporates a loss aversion parameter such that negative prediction errors loom larger than positive prediction errors. However, such Sclareol a revised PE model still does not capture the pattern of deactivations observed in the easy condition of our current task. To examine differences in brain activity as a function of unsuccessful versus successful performance, we contrasted unsuccessful and successful trials at the time of the motor task. We also examined an interaction between performance (i.e., unsuccessful and successful trials) and incentive level. We found no significant main effect of task performance. However, we did find a significant interaction between performance and incentive in the ventral striatum (Figure 7; Table S4), such that this region showed a greater deactivation as a function of incentive during unsuccessful trials compared to successful trials (cluster sizes > 100 voxels; right cluster peak: [x = 27; y = 0; Z = 0], T = 6.