50/h for their participation. All were right-handed, had normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and reported to be native English speakers
without psychiatric or neurological illnesses. All participants provided written informed consent before participating. The experiment involved the intentional memorization of short lists of words, each followed by free recall. Participants were seated in front of a computer monitor and given a pen and clipboard with 24 blank recall sheets. They then memorized 24 lists of 16 words (concrete nouns, 3–12 letters, 0–500 occurrences/million; Kučera and Francis, 1967). Each list contained eight randomly intermixed visual words (white Helvetica font, 500 msec Metformin purchase duration, visual angle of ∼.7° vertically and 1–4.5° horizontally) and auditory words Selleck Linsitinib (British adult male voice, 650 msec mean duration, range 310–1130 msec). Before the onset of each word, a cue was presented to signal the upcoming input modality (Fig. 1).
Visual words were always preceded by visual cues (gratings, visual angle of 2° horizontally and vertically, four cycles/degree spatial frequency, 50% contrast) and auditory words by auditory cues (pure tones). Participants were encouraged to use the cues to prepare for the memorization of the upcoming word. Words had to be memorized using an elaborative rehearsal strategy, that is, by connecting the words in a list in a meaningful way via images or stories (cf. Galli et al., 2012). At the end of each
list, a distractor task was performed for 30 sec to avoid recency effects in the free recall task. Participants counted backward in threes starting with a random number between 81 and 99 displayed on the screen. Participants were then given 1 min to write down as many words as they could remember from the preceding list. Words could be recalled in any order. In addition to memorizing the words, participants were asked to perform DAPT mouse a perceptual discrimination task on the prestimulus cues. This was done to manipulate the degree to which processing resources are available before word onset. For visual cues, the task consisted of judging whether the grating was oriented to the left or right. For auditory cues, the decision was whether the tone was low or high in frequency. One of two buttons had to be depressed according to a participant’s decision. The left index finger was always assigned to left orientations and low tones, and the right index finger to right orientations and high tones, to maintain natural stimulus-response mappings (Rusconi et al., 2006). Participants were asked to both discriminate the cues and prepare for the upcoming memorization, with no further instructions about which task to prioritize. The difficulty of the perceptual discrimination task was manipulated across word lists. This was done to give participants maximum opportunity to set up and maintain a consistent level of attention across trials.