5%) and out-of-town shopping centres (1.4%). The majority reported being chain pharmacies (82.5%). The average number Carfilzomib in vitro of enhanced services provided was 3.6 (range 0–12). Half of the responding pharmacists (48.6%) were aged less than 35, and 52.4% were male. Table 1 shows the pharmacists’ perception of how often they provided different services for young people. The majority of pharmacists (62.2%) felt ‘reasonably confident’ about engaging with young people, and a significant minority (30.1%) felt ‘very confident’. Table 1: Pharmacists’ perception of service provision to young people aged 13–19 years Pharmacy service provided
% of pharmacists reporting specified frequency of provision of service to young people aged 13–19 years Never Rarely Sometimes Often Dispensing prescriptions (n = 143) 1.4 4.9 39.9 53.8 Medicines Use Review (MUR) (n = 135) 23.7 60.7 10.4 5.2 Enhanced services (n = 130) 3.1 22.3 29.2 45.4 Pharmacists ITF2357 ic50 from a diverse range of pharmacy settings responded to this survey, although younger pharmacists might be slightly over-represented. Pharmacists reported significant engagement with young people, but there was a discrepancy between the provision of MUR and other
services, despite widespread dispensing opportunities. Most pharmacists felt confident about their engagement with young people. It is over ten years since the establishment of the first EHC service, which arguably brought young people’s health concerns into focus for pharmacists and highlighted the issues of consent and confidentiality. Pharmacies are accessible settings for young people, and pharmacists should consider widening their scope of engagement to include discussions about medicines Ketotifen adherence and optimisation. 1. Staples B, Bravender T. Drug compliance in adolescence: assessing and managing modifiable risk factors. Paediatr Drugs 2002; 4: 503–513. 2. Analytical tool available at http://data.gov.uk/dataset/national_statistics_2001_area_classification_of_super_output_areas_and_data_zones_-_distance_from_ce. Shelly Patel, Manir Hussain North Staffordshire
Clinical Commissioning Group, Staffordshire, UK Pharmacist-led clinical medication reviews for care home residents have the potential to optimise therapy and liberate savings. 1271 residents were reviewed in 45 care homes over 12 months resulting in a total of 1624 recommendations. 96% (n = 1563) of recommendations implemented of which 50% (n = 776) resulted in optimising medications Net annualised saving of £205,272 as a result of the clinical medication reviews, £161 saved per care home resident Care homes have the responsibility to ensure safe medicines management systems are in place to reduce medication related errors in care homes1. Evidence suggests that at least 70% of care home residents may experience at least one medication error2.