43 There is very VX-765 little research to guide recommendations for patients with heart
failure wishing to travel to altitude. However, experts have frequently observed that people with congestive cardiac failure tend to quickly decompensate with high altitude exposure due to the effects of acute mountain sickness (AMS)- related fluid retention.2,22,27,29 High altitude travel is therefore contraindicated in people with symptomatic heart failure at their resident altitude.27 Patients with clinically stable, asymptomatic heart failure have been shown to tolerate exertion at simulated altitudes up to 2,500 m without decompensation. However, this study was limited to only a few hours of observation and thus the generalizability of the results is limited. Should they decide to travel to altitude, patients can expect a decrease in work capacity proportional to the altitude gained and their sea level exercise capacity.45 Acetazolamide prophylaxis or an increase in the dose of the patient’s regular diuretic should be considered.2,27 Furthermore, particular IDH inhibitor clinical trial attention must be paid to fluid
balance. Patients should be monitored closely for signs of fluid retention while avoiding dehydration due to exertion and use of diuretics.22,27,29 A number of studies have documented electrocardiographic (ECG) changes in healthy subjects at real and simulated altitudes up to 8,848 m but there are no data on patients with existing arrhythmias.
Benign sinus arrhythmia is common with altitude exposure but appears to be self-limiting. Thalidomide Heart rate increases progressively with elevation gain at rest and during exertion.41,45–48 At extreme altitude, ECG changes are consistent with pulmonary hypertension and resolve with descent to low altitude.47,48 A single case report documented an age-related increase in left ventricular ectopy and tachycardia at altitude.46 This sympathetically mediated effect may provide an explanation for sudden unexplained deaths at altitude.41,46,49 Another case report describes resolution of recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a patient who took up residence in a new home at 2,750 m.42 The improvement in his condition was attributed to decreased left atrial wall tension secondary to an altitude-associated decrease in venous return. Given the paucity of research evidence in this specific area, it is recommended that patients with cardiac arrhythmias should consult their cardiologist for individualized risk assessment and advice prior to pursuing high altitude travel. Exposure to hypobaric hypoxia results in pulmonary vasoconstriction, excessive amounts of which result in high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).