
1998; Shepherd et al , 2004; Yokoi et al , 1995) Howev


1998; Shepherd et al., 2004; Yokoi et al., 1995). However, the direct measurement of granule cell activity in vivo has been limited to a few studies performed in anesthetized animals (Cang and Isaacson, 2003; Tan et al., 2010), hampering our understanding of the operation of olfactory bulb inhibitory interneurons in the awake state. Attempts to estimate the effect of anesthesia on granule cell activity with extracellular recording of field potentials (Nicoll, 1972; Stewart and Scott, 1976; Tsuno et al., 2008) have reached inconsistent conclusions, reflecting the difficulty of interpreting these indirect measurements. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first direct in vivo measurements of granule cell activity in awake animals. Granule cells respond to odors rapidly, and their tuning properties are similar to those of mitral cells. Strikingly, anesthesia caused a substantial attenuation Akt phosphorylation of both spontaneous and odor-evoked granule cell activity, which is in stark contrast to the enhancement of odor-evoked activity of mitral cells in the anesthetized state.

The reduction of granule cell activity in the anesthetized state is consistent with previous intracellular recordings under anesthesia, which reported a low probability of odor-evoked action potentials in granule cells (Cang and Isaacson, 2003) and indicates that granule cell recordings under anesthesia Ku-0059436 solubility dmso have underestimated their actions in the awake state. We think it is unlikely that the anesthetics

are directly changing the intrinsic excitability of granule cells, since the two chemically distinct anesthetics (ketamine and urethane) had the same effect on granule cell activity. Rather, the effect of the anesthetics is likely to reflect modulation of brain state. For example, granule cells are a major target of centrifugal input TCL originating from the olfactory cortex (de Olmos et al., 1978; Haberly and Price, 1978), which could be sensitive to the state of the animal (Murakami et al., 2005). Taken together, our results suggest that wakefulness greatly enhances the impact of inhibitory circuits on olfactory bulb odor representations. We envision that the sparsening and richer temporal dynamics of mitral cell odor representations we observed in the awake state may be a result of shaping by active inhibitory circuits. It will be interesting to determine whether wakefulness also enhances the activity of interneurons in other brain regions. We showed that repeated brief odor experience leads to a modification of mitral cell activity that accumulates across days and persists for over a month. Hence, experience-dependent plasticity in the olfactory bulb is not just a transient adaptation to continuous odor stimuli, but rather a process that integrates months of odor experience.

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