, 1998 and Cohen et al , 2012) and unidentified VTA neurons ( Kiy

, 1998 and Cohen et al., 2012) and unidentified VTA neurons ( Kiyatkin and Rebec, 1998). Since VTA neurons are thought to encode properties of rewards and predictive cues, we next determined the consequences of VTA GABA activation at key time points in a cue-reward conditioning task. ChR2-eYFP was selectively expressed in VTA GABAergic neurons, and implantable optical fibers (Sparta et al., 2011) were secured unilaterally into brain tissue above the VTA (Figure S1 available online). Following recovery from surgery, mice were trained in daily cue-reward conditioning sessions consisting of 40 trials (60–120 s intertrial interval) where a 5 s tone/light

stimulus predicted the delivery of 20 μl of a 10% sucrose solution. Following ∼25 training sessions, Alisertib mice displayed consistent Neratinib nmr anticipatory licking during cue presentation as well as reward consummatory licking after the reward delivery (Figure 2A). During subsequent conditioning sessions, VTA GABA neurons were optically excited during either the 5 s cue presentation period or the first 5 s following reward delivery. Activation of VTA GABA neurons during the 5 s cue period did not alter either anticipatory

or reward consummatory licking (Figures 2B, 2D, and 2F) compared to behavioral sessions, where laser pulses were delivered through the fiber optic cable but light was not permitted to enter the brain. Interestingly, VTA GABA activation during the 5 s period following reward Megestrol Acetate delivery significantly decreased reward consummatory licking, which then rebounded in the 5 s after termination of VTA GABA activation (Figures 2C, 2E, and 2G). The ability of VTA GABA activation to

disrupt reward consumption became even more pronounced when these neurons were optogenetically stimulated for 10 s (Figure S2). Furthermore, 5 s GABA activation during the cue presentation did not alter the total number of licks over the entire behavioral session (Figure 2F), whereas activation following reward delivery significantly decreased the total number of licks (Figure 2G). In addition, when the 5 s optogenetic stimulation of VTA GABA neurons was applied every 30 s in an open field arena, we observed a reduction in movement velocity time locked to optical activation but no change in rotational locomotor behavior (Figure S2). Taken together, these data demonstrate that activation of VTA GABA neurons following sucrose delivery disrupts reward consumption. Next, we examined whether activation of VTA GABA neurons, or their projections to the NAc, could alter reward consumption in a task where mice were allowed free access to sucrose. ChR2-eYFP and optical fibers (Figure S1) were targeted to VTA GABA neurons as described above.

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