, 1992 and Viereck and Johnston, 1990).
Furthermore, the seeds of black spruce remain viable in fallen cones for over 10 years ( Schooley et al., 1979). Black spruce typically seeds promptly and regenerates well after both forest fires and clearcut harvesting ( Fleming and Mossa, 1996, Sirois and Payette, 1989 and St Pierre et al., 1992). All of these features would favor maintenance of high levels of genetic diversity in post-fire and post-harvest naturally regenerated stands. In another study, no significant allelic heterogeneity (allele frequency differences) was reported among mature and young naturally-regenerated, and young planted, black spruce from Ontario ( Knowles, 1985). Similar results were also C59 mouse reported for another early successional boreal-temperate species with semi-serotinous cones – lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) – which has a distribution in western Canada and the north-west United States. Genetic diversity for microsatellite and RAPD markers was found to be similar selleck inhibitor in fire-origin unmanaged
mature, post-harvest naturally regenerated young, and planted young, stands in Alberta ( Thomas et al., 1999). However, in a subsequent enlarged study based on allozyme markers, harvest-origin stands were found to have significantly lower genetic diversity than the unmanaged fire-origin stands ( Macdonald et al., 2001). There were no significant differences in genetic diversity between post-harvest
naturally-regenerated and planted stands. Genetic impacts of selective harvesting in temperate North American species depend upon the species and the harvesting system. Shelterwood and group selection harvesting systems showed no negative impacts on genetic diversity and mating system in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menzeisii) ( Neale, 1985, Neale and Adams, 1985 and Adams et al., 1998). However, rare alleles were lost after shelterwood harvesting. In eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), Cediranib (AZD2171) with the harvesting of about 75% of the trees (close to seed tree cut), allelic diversity was reduced by about 25%, and most other genetic diversity parameters were reduced by 25–60% in the postharvest residual gene pool ( Buchert et al., 1997 and Rajora et al., 2000). Between 20% and 90% of low frequency and rare alleles were lost after harvesting. However, heterozygosity was not found to be significantly reduced by harvesting as it is not as sensitive to bottlenecks and perturbations in populations as allelic richness. The shelterwood cutting of about 20% of trees in eastern white pine resulted in genetic diversity reductions of about 7% for the number of alleles in postharvest residual stands (Rajora et al. unpublished data), while there was no reduction in heterozygosity. In another study, shelterwood harvesting appeared to have had no negative impacts on genetic diversity ( Marquard et al., 2007).