[14], used the same method but reducing the 17 described targets to 10, to study an outbreak in the Netherlands
and describing 13 MLVA types; Beare et al. [15] added two more GG, totalling up to 8, in a microarray-based whole genome comparison; Denison et al. [16] performed 20 PCRs for the characterization of the region within and near the transposase IS1111, describing 5 GG among 21 Selinexor cost reference strains and 9 animal samples; Huijsmans et al. [17] developed Selleckchem Dactolisib a method for a single-nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNP)-based typing, applying 10 real time PCR protocols that resolved 28 reference strains and 40 samples from an outbreak into 9 SNP genotypes, while a previous study on the same 28 reference strains [13] had disclosed 14 MLVA types; finally, Hornstra et al. [18] performed 14 SNP-based real time PCR assays that classified 63 isolates into 6 GG and 35 MST genotypes. Recently, an outer membrane protein-coding gene named acute disease antigen www.selleckchem.com/products/gs-9973.html A (adaA) was described as associated with acute Q fever-causing strains, whereas adaA negative strains were linked to chronic cases [19]. Therefore, the hypothesis of its association with a specific clinical presentation of the disease together with its immunodominant nature lead the authors to suggest that adaA may be a virulence
factor for the pathogenesis of Q fever. Consequently, adaA may be a relevant genetic marker for differentiation among isolates. In general, there has been a good correlation between typing
methods although with different discriminatory capabilities. However, although 2 previous descriptions have been applied directly to clinical samples [16, 17], both rely on the amplification of several targets performing between 10 and 20 PCR protocols, which make it not always feasible for Rho their use in a clinical setting due to the frequent scarcity of testable sample-size, which hampers the acquisition of global data; the method of Mediannikov et al. [11], consisting of a multiplex PCR targeting 3 intergenic spacers, exhibited however a limited discriminatory power (3 MST types) in the samples studied. In this study, based on the previous descriptions of Beare et al. [15] and Zhang et al. [19], a fast, reproducible and sensitive multiplex PCR that amplifies 8 targets in the same run for a rapid GT determination, has been developed to be applied to both isolates and PCR-positive samples. With this method, C. burnetii could be classified into 8 GG and up to 16 GT. Based on this methodology, a comprehensive study on the variability of C. burnetii in Spain have been made with samples from patients with acute and chronic Q fever, domestic and wild mammals and ticks, demonstrating a high variability of this organism and an association between genotypes and human disease. Methods Samples Fifteen C.