11 The study was a prospective observational study conducted in t

11 The study was a prospective observational study conducted in the Department of Gynecology, at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital (KMCH), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India for a period of six months from June 2011 to December 2011. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee of Kovai Medical Center and Hospital (KMCH), buy Protease Inhibitor Library Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Patients who were pregnant from June–December 2011 from 18 years of age were included in this study. The study was explained to the patients and their relatives and their oral consent was taken. Women with multiple births, premature delivery, post-partum hemorrhage, history of breast surgery, abnormal breast

development during pregnancy or with inverted nipples were excluded from this study. The time of onset of lactogenesis was noted in pregnant patients who included the inclusion criteria’s. Patient data’s including weight, height, dietary habits, past medical and medication history, laboratory investigations, pregnancy related diseases, mode of delivery, weight of the baby, time of onset of lactogenesis, number of breastfeeds per day etc. The sources data were the patient’s case reports, treatment charts and also through direct patient interview. A total of 200 subjects who were satisfying the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Significance of the factors affecting onset of lactogenesis-II were assessed

by chi-square test. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. MAPK Inhibitor Library supplier In this prospective study the factors affecting onset of lactogenesis-II was evaluated among a total of 200 pregnant women admitted in Kovai Medical Center and Hospital during the period June 2011–December 2011. The average time to lactogenesis was 66.95 h. A delayed onset of lactogenesis-II (≥72 h) was experienced by 50 (25%) women. Most women (47%) experienced pain at the time of reported onset of lactogenesis. Other breast symptoms include heaviness (17%), leakage (19%) and (17%) of women did not experience any breast symptoms. The mean age of patients

was found to be 26 years. Ninety-seven (48.5%) patients were less than 26 years and the rest were elder. Out of 97 patients, 76 (38%) had normal onset of lactogenesis-II and 21 (10.5%) had delayed onset of lactogenesis-II. Out of 103 (51.5%) patients, 74 (37%) had normal and 29 many (14.5%) had delayed onset of lactogenesis-II. On the basis of education level, patients were divided as undergraduate and graduate. A total no. of 39 (19.5%) patients were undergraduate and the rest were graduate. Out of 39 patients, 31 (15.5%) had normal and 8 (4%) had delayed onset of lactogenesis-II. Out of 161 (80.5%) graduates, 119 (59.5%) had normal and 42 (21%) had delayed onset of lactogenesis-II. Out of 200 patients, 130 (65%) were primiparous and 70 (35%) were multiparous. In primiparous, 98 (49%) had normal and 32 (16%) had delayed onset of lactogenesis-II.

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